Comments on: Microsoft Shills Index: Under Construction Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: G. Michaels Mon, 15 Dec 2008 10:21:10 +0000

Over at Slashdot, Über-user Twitter has amassed his own list of Microsoft “Poisons Pens”. Readers may wish to see it in order to properly judge their sources of information.

Readers might also be interested in examining evidence about the activities of this “Uber-user”, and deciding if they want to actually take him (and his information) seriously:

You can paste all the red text you want on my comments, but I’ve yet to see any efforts by you or your collaborator ‘twitter’ (a.k.a William H. Hill) to refute the evidence of disruption, gaming, shilling and trolling presented in that journal. People have a right to know who they’re getting their “shill” lists from, especially if it’s coming from a known nymshifter of that caliber – one that you yourself have recognized as such.

Note: writer of this comment adds absolutely nothing but stalking and personal attacks against readers, as documented here.

By: Roy Schestowitz Tue, 07 Oct 2008 18:34:48 +0000 I’ve covered a lot more before. I have not built the index yet; I’m just accumulating evidence for something like this:

By: Needs Sunlight Tue, 07 Oct 2008 18:01:19 +0000 The list is missing Enderle’s connections to MS as well.

De Icaza is prominently missing from the list.
