Comments on: Microsoft and Obama Join Hands and Attack Web Standards, Exclude GNU/Linux Users Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Wed, 21 Jan 2009 10:53:53 +0000 Here’s an observation I liked:

Microsoft will love you if you do.

However, before you do you should understand Microsoft’s thinking about this topic. Jame Plamondon, although the first head of dirty tricks at Microsoft he has done a mea culpa, wrote a training manual for his troops entitled “Effective Evangelism”. !37F174267DC274C!152.entry

Under the paragraph entitled “Evangelism is War” he wrote:

Every line of code that is written to our standards is a small victory; every line of code that is written to any other standard, is a small defeat. Total victory … is the universal adoption of our standards by developers, as this is an important step towards total victory for Microsoft itself: “A computer on every desk and in every home, running Microsoft software.”

MONO and Moonlight are BIG victories for Microsoft, because it keeps some developers and distros dancing to Microsoft’s tune. In the future, after enough applications and distros have Microsoft technology buried too deep into their work to be easily removed without starting over, they should not be surprised when (not if) Microsoft pulls their plug by extending (sound familiar?) those two technologies with patented and proprietary components that leave them setting on a desert island unless they give up their FOSS freedom completely and move onto the Microsoft plantation. THAT would be the “total victory” that Microsoft strives for.

Fortunately, no current distro that I am familiar with depends on MONO for its essential activities. You can check you installation by using the “locate” command from a root console to search for “libmono”. If you find files with those characters in their names use Synaptic (or what ever) to select those libraries and remove them. Then reboot. If you distro doesn’t come back up then your distro is hooked. IF it does come back up then check for “Beagle” and other apps which use MONO and see if they still work. IF they do then you’ve missed some mono libraries. If they don’t then remove them as well.



By: Jose_X Wed, 21 Jan 2009 02:58:09 +0000 >> [How] is streaming through Silverlight any worse than streaming through Flash?

One supports the monopolies of the abomination that is Monopolysoft, and the other supports a much less serious threat (Adobe); however, the “other” also gets bonus points for competing against the abomination and standing in their way.

By: Roy Schestowitz Tue, 20 Jan 2009 23:56:20 +0000

[How] is streaming through Silverlight any worse than streaming through Flash?

To quote the FSF:

“You can tune in to Ogg Vorbis coverage of the US presidential
inauguration on WBUR at < >.

‘If you know other places streaming in Ogg Vorbis or Theora, please send
them along to our new discussion list at address@hidden (and
subscribe at

“If you’re an < > or Twitter user, you can direct a
comment to “obamainaugural” on Twitter asking them why the official
streaming format is Microsoft’s Silverlight and not Ogg Theora. Public
events like this should be broadcast in publicly accessible free
formats, not used as levers to gain market share and control over
citizens for proprietary software companies like Microsoft.”

By: Timmy the Driver Tue, 20 Jan 2009 23:28:04 +0000 Who is streaming through Silverlight any worse than streaming through Flash?

By: Gentoo User (and proud of it) Mon, 19 Jan 2009 17:20:27 +0000

I never visited that page. Thanks, Shane.

You never visited the page, did you? Well, that’s understandable, after all it was only referenced by your friend Slated when he said “ok, wrong target”, and about 20 times by Gordon. It was then referenced by Jose_X, and also by Shane Coyle, where he said you had slagged the wrong person.

You did not read the page.

Wow. Let me ask you, seriously, what did you think was on that page after he first created it and referenced it on his comments, which you must have seen since you marked with a disclaimer manually? Did you not notice that someone had created a rebuttal to your hit job, maybe because you typically get 100+ comments per blog post and didn’t think twice about the activity? Oh but wait, you actually posted and said you wouldn’t “deal with the vandal” or something like that.

So you didn’t read the page. Well. I don’t know about everyone else, but I doubt that very, very much.

By: Spartan2276 Mon, 19 Jan 2009 16:33:26 +0000 So instead of all you bitching and complaining about this or that why hasn’t anyone started a petition to make sure the damn thing is broadcast in a format everyone can see it.

And even if it does not happen start one just for the hell of it, What the fuck is Change if it just going to be more of the same. So much for openness and fair, what a fucking joke we are as a country.

By: Shane Coyle Mon, 19 Jan 2009 04:57:09 +0000 As a follow-up for anyone interested, I have posted a new Live CD (despite the fact it is sooo yesterday), as well as a bunch of new Slax LZM modules for those who like to roll their own, on

Basically, it is an "OOO3 Delivery System" featuring the KDE 4.1 Desktop, with quite a few OpenFontLibrary fonts included as well as the OpenClipart collection, pre-linked to OOO’s gallery folder – Just Insert > Picture > From File and enjoy.

Guess we’ve come quite a long ways since I had penned this, huh?

By: Magus Mon, 19 Jan 2009 03:48:01 +0000 The thing I like the most about some of these comments is how people “supported” Obama until they found out he was using Windows. It’s a lot like disliking the president because they aren’t brushing their teeth with my favorite toothpaste (but they will get caries!!)

Only in America you choose George Bush, then reelect him and then start crying because your new president is pro-Windows and you are pro-Linux.

By: Shane Coyle Sat, 17 Jan 2009 15:48:13 +0000 CDs are sooo yesterday, actually have a USB version now that I’ve put on a 1GB stick – currently, I have about 90 out and in use in 2 elementary schools around here – mostly teachers, and one group of ‘gifted’ kids (a subjective term).

Am actually working this 3-day weekend on a CD version of it, to post for download on, just OOO and OpenClipart and a bunch of OpenFontLibrary stuff with the KDE 4 (4.1.2 or 3 I think it was) desktop.

By: Roy Schestowitz Sat, 17 Jan 2009 15:41:38 +0000 Awesome!

You’re better than me at all the technical stuff.

I hope the spare money from AdSense helps cover the costs of Edu-Nix CDs (have the teachers been in New York EDGI-ed yet?). ;-)

By: Shane Coyle Sat, 17 Jan 2009 15:35:26 +0000 Yeah, I think. Shouldn’t take too long – used to be days, now prob less than an hour or so.

Funny thing, this helped me discover that my cable company has implemented DNS Assistance – ya know, (likely paid) search results off of your unresolved DNS requests, just to help out.

They let me opt out.

By: Roy Schestowitz Sat, 17 Jan 2009 15:26:51 +0000 Thanks, Shane.

It doesn’t work from my side (yet), so I’ve just asked in IRC.

The W3C validator gets to it just fine:

Maybe it hasn’t been updated across all DNS servers?

By: Shane Coyle Sat, 17 Jan 2009 15:23:07 +0000 Can anyone else confirm that is now resolving once again? I can get it here, don’t know if it’s propogated out around the world yet…

By: Roy Schestowitz Sat, 17 Jan 2009 15:09:37 +0000 It’s not Obama’s fault. The rule in the White House is that your show will be run by the big corporations. I believe Obama is just being used; likewise, some sources who left the Pentagon suggest that Cheney and others misled and used George Bush, but that’s another story.

By: krishna Sat, 17 Jan 2009 15:04:27 +0000 When will you replace the ‘Hovsepian + Ballmer’ logo of your website by a ‘Obama and Ballmer’ logo? When can we expect a ‘boycottobama’ website?

By: Roy Schestowitz Sat, 17 Jan 2009 14:47:03 +0000 Don’t forget the Zune incident.

By: Needs Sunlight Sat, 17 Jan 2009 14:43:16 +0000 I guess this explains all the yammering about the Blackberry. It smelled like an M$ distraction, and I guess now we can see that some of it was about keeping the eye of the public off of what M$ was doing to the inauguration.

By: Roy Schestowitz Sat, 17 Jan 2009 14:34:20 +0000 Apropos:

By: Roy Schestowitz Sat, 17 Jan 2009 14:33:09 +0000 No, I was referring to separate cases where you disagree with opinion and try to shoot the author for expressing a point of view . That’s nothing to do with the former part of the comment.

By: Dan O'Brian Sat, 17 Jan 2009 14:29:59 +0000 Yea, go ahead and try to spin your libel against Jimmi Hughs as “perspective”, it’s not fooling anyone.
