Comments on: The Problems with Attempted Office Shift to the Web Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: DiamondWakizashi Tue, 21 Jul 2009 04:46:30 +0000 This website tells people the truth, unlike the Microsoft tainted media, who shamelessly promote shoddy, expensive, insecure, DRM infected Microsoft trash.

“IDG, IDC, and Microsoft Money on Their Table”

“Microsoft Pays Ziff Davis to Promote Windows Vista”

“Bill Gates and His Press Rewrite History Amid Semi-retirement”

I don’t think history will be praising a Microsoft dark age tainted by malware, Windows zombies, viruses, DRM, back doors, vendor lock-in and countless incidents of law breaking and sleaze.

By: Yggdrasil 2084 Tue, 21 Jul 2009 03:31:32 +0000 Just like history will remember Ron Paul as the greatest presidential candidate of all time! That is, if you ask his on-line supporters. The “real world” didn’t care that much about him and it showed at the ballot box. I can’t stress enough that the perception of Microsoft among Linux users and FOSS advocates does not match that of the general population or other computer users. No rain of terror, no dark age, no ‘axis of evil’ references.

Point being, on the web perspectives can very sharply from reality. This website represents a sub-culture within a sub-culture. If you read this news here everyday you’d think the sky was falling because only the negative stories that suit Roy’s appetite are presented. Any positive news is either ignored or spun to look as bad as possible. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say this website outfoxes Fox news, and that’s no small task.

By: DiamondWakizashi Mon, 20 Jul 2009 20:33:22 +0000 History will remember Microsoft’s reign of terror as a technological dark age.

By: Andrew Macabe Mon, 20 Jul 2009 19:53:22 +0000 Perception for microsoft and its products (what’s left of them) is at an all time low and rapidly decreasing. Whatever ‘goodwill’ they pretend to do is regarded with very high suspicion and the gates foundation is a farce (a business masquerading as a philanthropy). Heck, microsoft is a better chameleon than its sold-out gecko.

By: DiamondWakizashi Mon, 20 Jul 2009 19:27:24 +0000 Microsoft is becoming more desperate everyday, it’s fun to watch.
