Comments on: Microsoft Has a New Lock-in Model: Fog Computing Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Fri, 11 Jun 2010 06:20:47 +0000 Thanks. I’ll start researching this, but it might take a few days.

By: fi cal Fri, 11 Jun 2010 03:10:05 +0000 Here’s a tip/submission for an article.

“Aalto University and Microsoft to start research cooperation”

“The cooperation focuses at this point on two research projects: Crafting New Concepts of Search for the Home Host and Denial-of-Service Resistance for Internet Services.”

New concepts for bingo@home?

Our corrupted Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen visited Bill Gates back in 2008 and from that meeting he brought us Live@Edu for primary, intermediate and high schools.
Now the plan went forward and also three most well-known academic schools, nowadays bundled together as Aalto univ are pwned by Microshaft.

Most of the schools in the whole country are using only Windows exclusively, from servers to desktops.
All the problems with viruses, trojans, break-ins, slowness and breaks in lan/wan networks, problems with different incompatible (MS)office file formsts etc. are not released into the news, even within the organizations.

“Established in 2010, the Aalto University is a new university with centuries of experience. The Aalto University was created from the merger of three Finnish universities: The Helsinki School of Economics, Helsinki University of Technology and The University of Art and Design Helsinki.”

And Aalto = Wave in finnish, but it comes from the name of famous .fi architect, Alvar Aalto.

Recent news about PM Vanhanen:

They’re playing time, together.
Vanhanen is retiring from PM position next weekend and parliament elections are coming up in April 2011.

Btw, would be good to have a “submit a story/tip” page/form here.
I prefer this way instead of e-mailing or visiting a channel and can imagine others would too.
