Comments on: More RAND and Hostility Towards Standards, Courtesy of Microsoft Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Tue, 03 Jan 2017 04:31:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: zatoichi Thu, 30 Jul 2009 15:01:06 +0000 …here comes another article about Microsoft’s GPL violations…

Which does nothing but repeat Bradley Kuhn’s complaints that a company got into compliance, while—like this site—overlooking other companies which have identical “violations”, like Nvidia and ATI and others, and which haven’t corrected them. All of this seems like yet another symptom of the disease of pathological Microsoft-hatred which Linus referred to. If you don’t like the term “zealot”, stop acting like one.

Your assessment of the lack of value of these patches also flies in the face of the lack of excitement—again as Linus points out—over device-specific power management code, etc.

If your argument is that the drivers only enable “running free software in a non-free environment”, then you’d seem to be arguing in favor of limiting a user’s freedom to “run the program for any purpose”.

Or do only “purposes” which you enjoy count here?
