Comments on: Samsung May Be Trying to Reduce Microsoft Patent Tax With F2FS Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: mcinsand Sun, 14 Oct 2012 23:03:50 +0000 I think we need to switch NotZed to decaff, but let’s make a couple of corrections first. The problem with the system that allows for lobbyists is that it sets up elected officials to put themselves up for sale. To say that all lobbyists subvert democracy is just as false as the assertion that all lobbyists are shills. We have more than our share of corrupt lobbyists, and the corrupt lobbyists are more than reason enough to criminalize lobbying. However, here in the US, there are at least a few that lobby for civil rights, medical diseases, and for some groups that just don’t have the ability to make themselves heard unless they band together.

No, lobbyists are not all ‘shills by definition,’ although many, if not most, are shills. They are *advocates* by definition, and that includes both shills and those that are working to advance an honest position.

These might seem like fine points to NotZed, and I will not disagree with NotZed on whether our lobbying system is far more of a problem than a solution, but definitions are still worth keeping straight.


By: NotZed Sat, 13 Oct 2012 02:52:19 +0000 Lobbyists are all bad because they subvert democracy. i.e. more money, more influence – making ‘one vote one value’ nothing but a cruel joke for pacifying the proles.

They are all ‘shills’ by definition (they try to influence people for money), even if they are shilling for a cause you agree with.

By: NotZed Sat, 13 Oct 2012 02:46:04 +0000 Well it’s not like they don’t have plenty of filesystems to choose from; why it’s taken this long for someone to do something about it (if that’s what they are doing) is a bit of a mystery.

By: mcinsand Fri, 12 Oct 2012 20:03:49 +0000 Paul Maritz may have been onto something, with the idea of ‘cutting off their oxygen supply,’ and it would be a good strategy for FOSS to start using. MS is a dying brand, and they have managed to keep themselves funded by extorting companies like Samsung and LG. Until we can get rid of software patents, we need to address their profitability. What can we do to help with F2FS’ adoption? Let’s work to get rid of one more MS extortionary revenue stream!

Also, as tough as it is to believe, not all lobbyists are bad, which is why I have an issue with calling Flo a ‘lobbyist.’ ‘Shill’ would be better, although ‘internet prostitute’ would probably be most accurate. Calling him something that might have positive connotations would be almost as reality-distorting as calling Apple innovative ;)
