Comments on: Patents Roundup: Microsoft’s FAT Ambush, RPX “Protection Racket”, and Life-threatening Patents Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Yuhong Bao Sat, 12 Dec 2009 03:57:44 +0000 Yea, on Rambus, anyone remember the i820 chipset from a decade ago? As I remember, it did not perform well due to the Pentium III bus. Intel came out with the MTH that translated SDRAM to RDRAM, but that was even slower and because of reliability issues later had to be recalled. It affected the Timna project too, which in the end had to be cancelled. In the meantime, the competitor VIA had it’s Apollo Pro 133(A) chipsets that supported PC133 SDRAM. Intel had to in the end release the i815 chipset that supported PC133 SDRAM too. Later with the P4 came the i850 chipset, where Rambus fits much better due to the P4 bus. But still Intel ended up releasing the i845 chipset later with PC133 SDRAM and later DDR SDRAM support.
