Comments on: Patents Roundup: Microsoft Patents PR, Red Hat/Groklaw’s Response, and Apple’s Slide to Unlock Thermonuclear War Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Fri, 28 Oct 2011 00:11:01 +0000 FUD:

ITH THE seminal goal of pointing out and countering FUD, we are still naming people whom people should watch out for because of their funding sources or agenda.

LOL! Really, the irony there is amazing. You might sometimes point out other’s FUD, but as I have documented quite well you post massive amounts of FUD. You then pretend to not be responding as you call me names and ask others to ignore me. The reason why is clear: you know I am at least mostly right. It is not as if you really believe your own claims. The only way it can be said that you “counter FUD” is if you fight fire with fire. Just silly.

Take your above article where you just assume – with *no* support – that anyone who writes about Windows and Linux *must* have a Windows bias. Why? It makes no sense. Complete FUD. But it is what you do. Anyone who writes about OSS in a way you do not like *must*, in your view, be “pretending” to be pro-FOSS.

I have been a target of this claim from you. I am very pro open source – if it is as good as or better than the competition I am all over it. I am happy Apple uses it in OS X and Safari and in other packages. I am happy to run my websites on Apache / Linux. I think open source software and the open source philosophy, as expressed by Linus Torvalds and Mark Shuttleworth is amazing and a huge benefit to technology.

But I do not share your desire to attack Microsoft (in other words, I agree with Linus). And this, to you, somehow makes me anti-FOSS.

It is insane. Paranoid. You have a very strong with-us or against-us view of the world. Black and white. People are placed in piles labeled “Good” and “Evil” in your world.

PS: Roy has asked people to not respond to those who criticize him, so be aware that if you respond to this comment of mine Roy might place you in his “Evil” pile. If so, fine by me… I do not want all people to like me and would think less of myself if some people did. :)

Heck, look at how Roy attacks Jobs’ personal life because, gasp!, he disagrees with a patent they were awarded. Something very, very sick to be in the same camp as Roy. Count me out!
