Comments on: Links 19/05/2008: Important Windows Refund Precedence, Unbundling Near? Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Tue, 03 Jan 2017 04:31:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: So Fia lore Inn Mon, 19 May 2008 23:19:25 +0000 In my opinion, the only way we’ll ever see Microsoft “come clean” is if the DOJ ever gets some real balls and decides to go after it with a real punishment for its monopoly, which continues today on desktops, and seeking to start on the web again with Silverblight (Silverlight), just google for LOC and the deal with Microsoft which happened within the past few months. IMO it’s the same as Microsoft Windows in libraries and classrooms, once you get the people hooked with something they feel that they “need”, in this case more Microsoft shitware, people perpetuate the lock-in cycle. Look at how you feel you *need* DirectX? This is another artificially created need by Microsoft.

It should be argued, at least for PC gaming, they have a monopoly on the desktop with gaming, as most people need to use DirectX properly in order for the games to work. Sure Wine, Cedega, and other projects are making some progress and some games may work, and believe me I try every few weeks to see how it is coming along, but again Microsoft still continues its dirty deeds. They lie about Linux and Windows interoperability, “They said it couldn’t be done!” Novell agreement bullshit just like the Corel agreement in 2000 or 2001, where Corel Linux was promptly spun off and money/support from Corel to Wine apparantly dried up. Time and time again they come in and either buy out or pollute the environment with thier proprietary crap, and we read another dismal Microsoft article after article every few weeks or more.

If Microsoft is so devoted to bringing Linux and Windows together, I don’t see anything on their vast labrynth of shit at indicating this. Where is the repository of interoperability Linux and Windows software on Oh, but you can still get their bullshit “Facts” on Windows and Linux, and that’s about it. At least Google has a repository you can add to your Linux install for software from them. In my opinion, don’t think Moonlight (“Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? I ask that of all my friends”) will last much longer or work well for Linux users should Silverblight (Silverlight) suddenly become popular through payoffs and slight of hand corporate tricks.

If you ever want to have Microsoft come clean, no, I don’t believe it would ever happen unless the DOJ finally came down hard and raided their offices, took their hardware and software and forced them to release the code and all of the various undiscovered backdoors waiting to be found, it just won’t happen. IMO, Microsoft has demonstrated time and time again it will fight tooth and nail against any punishment against them.

We will all be cleansed if true justice were ever to prevail, but in the “United States of Advertising”, most of the people in power are paid off, with big pharma and other corporate overlords always padding the handshakes and votes. It is a lost cause, you know it, I know it, but you’ll still piss away your vote to one of the two parties who bend over for big pharma to slide in the money and the overpriced medications pop out the other end as we all struggle under the yoke of this dismal fucking world.

Come clean? Microsoft? The whole system is mired in filth.

Good luck.

We now return you to your normal life, ostrich head in the sand, millions of tokers/beer drinkers who raise their fist while watching Fight Club and return to their soap opera pitiful lives of slavery as the credits roll.

Vote for Wesley Snipes for President in 2008, neither one of the big parties will get anything done, they are a part of the problem.

By: Roy Schestowitz Mon, 19 May 2008 23:09:41 +0000 Thanks for the kind words. You can E-mail me (address in my site) any time.

By: fruit of the loon Mon, 19 May 2008 23:02:34 +0000 every time I check your site, Roy, I’m surprised by how much better it gets, with a surprise around every corner and news articles I would’ve almost certainly missed. If one would like to assist you in some way, by volunteering to help you with some matter, whether it’s editing, finding additional stories, or some other type of job, how would one do this?
