Comments on: Microsoft Uses Pseudo “Open Source” to Fight Against GNU/Linux and the GPL Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jose_X Fri, 03 Apr 2009 18:22:44 +0000 I cringed as well and refused to use the term for a long time.. but I caved in. I use it now as I think it gets the point across quicker sometimes.

By: Roy Schestowitz Fri, 03 Apr 2009 17:21:40 +0000 Good point. I’m a lot more careful with the word “solution”.

By: Yfrwlf Fri, 03 Apr 2009 16:44:13 +0000 @Roy: Pet peeve here, but it kind of makes me cringe when software is called “technology”. Such a term migration IMO has stemmed from businesses pushing it in ads and when talking about themselves. They do so not only to make it sound like it’s “more amazing than just plain ‘software’”, but also to make it sound like it’s something special that could deserve a *patent*. IMO, everyone should call software software, because it isn’t anything special, it’s just art.

By: Roy Schestowitz Fri, 03 Apr 2009 14:31:00 +0000

First of all, both the OSI and the FSF have accepted the MS-PL as a Free Software license.

That’s what makes effective Trojan horses; they appear benign.

Care to comment on Mono, which you ignored?

Here are some comments from Groklaw:

Someone asks whether anyone “can help against inadvertently reinstalling mono.”

Replies include:

Ubuntu needs to get rid of it’s MONO parts… ASAP…!

Get rid of SPOT and the other MONO based programs, or else they will find that Microsoft will be after them next. I am staying away from Ubuntu and MONO, and there is a way to remove MONO. Ubuntu should offer a MONO free distro option to all users who are sensitive to this Microsoft IP issue.


I managed to get rid of mono from an Ubuntu 8-04 version. There did seem to be a few spurious dependencies in the packages, but by carefully watching what synaptic was doing it was possible.

I’m holding my breath about the upcoming Gnome upgrade on the current Debian testing. I have no mono on there now, but there are things in the repositories that would bring it in.


The KDE desktop has no major components which rely on Mono. Now KDE4 is probably not quite ready for serious use yet, but it will not be very long now. Meanwhile, KDE3 is quite adequate.

The choice of desktop is a personal thing, but I happen to find KDE much more usable than Gnome, and I am now using both of them fairly regularly.

What I would prefer Canonical to do is to make KDE the main Ubuntu desktop (presumably with Gubuntu for those who insist on Gnome), instead of sidelining it to Kubuntu, as I think that it is more likely to make Windoze users feel more comfortable, and that does matter, if the community wants to attract new users.


Fedora keeps ramming Mono down my throat on every update as well. I am a KDE user and have no use for Gnome and it’s mono implementation. However parts of the Fedora LSB package require Gnome and that then requires Mono. I hope Red Hat and the Fedora team now take another look at this. I have no interest at all in helping Silver Light become the new internet standard.

PJ writes:

I’m sure they will, as the Linux Foundation is offering help publicly, at least think about making some changes.

But you can let them know how you feel. Sometimes, that is the most effective way to get your message across – deliver it yourself, politely but clearly.

Sarcastic approach to a reality:

Please do not use GPL3!
says paid Microsoft shills in their plea,
How can Microsoft steal
or sign a patent deal?
When you license PLEASE choose BSD.

Somehow we must kill GPL.
We don’t think that it is very swell.
Hippies like it a lot!
It’s a communist plot!
We can’t monitize your code to sell!

By: Dan O'Brian Fri, 03 Apr 2009 14:07:43 +0000 First of all, both the OSI and the FSF have accepted the MS-PL as a Free Software license.

Secondly, there are a lot of F/OSS licenses that are incompatible with GPLv3 (including older versions of the GPL, hah!), does that make them non-free? See here for details:
