Comments on: Links 05/05/2008: More Feasibility Tests of GNU/Linux for Enterprise Desktops Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bobby Blogger Tue, 06 May 2008 04:13:16 +0000 In my opinion, Ballmer isn’t the entire problem.

I don’t believe Bill Gates will ever entirely let go of influence in the direction of Microsoft, even with his stepping down.

In my opinion, any real change in direction of Microsoft will begin when Gates passes away eventually, as we all end up going sometime, or if Microsoft goes bust as a company, which with its strong ties in the U.S., is unlikely to happen, even if everyone in the U.S. marched to their door and threw their software on their doorstep in rejection.

In my opinion I don’t believe Microsoft will ever be capable of positive change, the kind of change which would truly benefit the consumer with free and open ideals in mind.

In my opinion Microsoft will remain the big fish with its mouth open, swallowing anything in its path and refusing to change for anybody. This stubborn, bullheaded approach will end up sinking it, but not before it wastes millions of dollars in eventual legal fees as the patent gloves are donned on the cougar to pounce, and the gloves are ready for a battle you can bet on it, especially with the the fall of the American dollar.

In my opinion, Microsoft is still the same monopoly on the desktop it was when it was convicted as a monopoly, if not a worse one. Stores across the United States still lack clear alternatives in Operating Systems to Microsoft Windows, and most people are still crack addicted to DirectX and other proprietary drugs Microsoft pushes to the people.

The change must come from without, with resistance to cooperation with Microsoft. You don’t come out ahead when you drop your pants for Microsoft.

Many years from now, historians will delight in combing through Boycott Novell’s website and the information retained on the convicted monopoly, while others were asleep, rubbing their crotches with their xbox, sending more of their hard earned money to Microsoft, while mouthing empty anti-Microsoft words all the while.

If you do not like Microsoft’s actions as they continue to unfold:

Do not buy Microsoft’s software
Do not buy Microsoft’s hardware
Do not buy from companies dealing with Microsoft
Do not buy games requiring DirectX (you only encourage its continuation)
Encourage Linux and open source use whenever you can

Spread the word, condemn other people’s use of Microsoft software and hardware like you would if you saw your best friend having unprotected sex with a hooker known to carry a disease.

Microsoft’s limitations placed on us all must end, but it will only end like the war on marijuana and other plants nature has given us: When the people stand up and say NO MORE!


By: Bobby Blogger Tue, 06 May 2008 04:11:40 +0000 In my opinion, Ballmer isn’t the entire problem.

I don’t believe Bill Gates will ever entirely let go of influence in the direction of Microsoft, even with his stepping down.

In my opinion, any real change in direction of Microsoft will begin when Gates passes away eventually, as we all end up going sometime, or if Microsoft goes bust as a company, which with its strong ties in the U.S., is unlikely to happen, even if everyone in the U.S. marched to their door and threw their software on their doorstep in rejection.

In my opinion I don’t believe Microsoft will ever be capable of positive change, the kind of change which would truly benefit the consumer with free and open ideals in mind.

In my opinion Microsoft will remain the big fish with its mouth open, swallowing anything in its path and refusing to change for anybody. This stubborn, bullheaded approach will end up sinking it, but not before it wastes millions of dollars in eventual legal fees as the patent gloves are donned on the cougar to pounce, and the gloves are ready for a battle you can bet on it, especially with the the fall of the American dollar.

In my opinion, Microsoft is still the same monopoly on the desktop it was when it was convicted as a monopoly, if not a worse one. Stores across the United States still lack clear alternatives in Operating Systems to Microsoft Windows, and most people are still crack addicted to DirectX and other proprietary drugs Microsoft pushes to the people.

The change must come from without, with resistance to cooperation with Microsoft. You don’t come out ahead when you drop your pants for Microsoft.

Many years from now, historians will delight in combing through Boycott Novell’s website and the information retained on the convicted monopoly, while others were asleep, rubbing their crotches with their xbox, sending more of their hard earned money to Microsoft, while mouthing empty anti-Microsoft words all the while.

If you do not like Microsoft’s actions as they continue to unfold:

Do not buy Microsoft’s software
Do not buy Microsoft’s hardware
Do not buy from companies dealing with Microsoft
Do not buy games requiring DirectX (you only encourage its continuation)
Encourage Linux and open source use whenever you can

Spread the word, condemn other people’s use of Microsoft software and hardware like you would if you saw your best friend having unprotected sex with a hooker known to carry a disease.

Microsoft’s limitations placed on us all must end, but it will only end like the war on marijuana and other plants nature has given us: When the people stand up and say NO MORE!

