Comments on: Microsoft Spends Millions Attacking Google at Antitrust Level, Murdoch’s Press Helps Microsoft Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: twitter Sun, 20 Feb 2011 22:24:44 +0000 Wired did a good write up of Microsoft’s ongoing plot to screw Google back in 2009. At the time, they showed how Microsoft was working with other large publishers to eliminate Google so that they could continue on in their positions as gateway to all information.

It is pathetic and dishonest of Microsoft to claim their attack is some kind of payback. Ballmer famously tossed a chair across the room and swore to kill Google back in 2005. It was clear to well informed observers that Microsoft hated Google, for helping to organize the web in a way that helped gnu/linux users and later for more direct competition in in email, office applications and finally operating systems. Bill Gate’s myopic “Internet Tidal Wave” memo ruefully mentioned that it was easier to find information on the world wide web than it was on Microsoft’s own internal network, so you can peg Microsoft’s hatred of web search from before Google was founded and well before the first of many successful anti-trust investigations. You can also surmise as much from their war against “network computing” which they started in the early 90′s. Microsoft’s hatred of competitors is all about Microsoft needing to be the center of the computing universe to keep their margins up. Labeling the attack on Google as payback is obviously dishonest, just another smear on Google, and equally obviously a threat to everyone because just about everyone in the industry showed up a the anti-trust investigations to talk at length about Microsoft’s repulsive business practices. It is also pathetic of them to need to dig up that kind of personalization excuse, “he hit me first!” cries the bully that’s busy doing more nasty things.

Mark Howard of News Corpse points out the relationship between Murdoch and Google as well as some of the more absurd attacks some of their broadcast clowns have launched. Murdoch has sided with digital restrictions pushers Apple and Microsoft in his hypocritical attack on Google. It is no surprise to see Fox/WSJ owner doing this.
