Comments on: ‘Buying’ Linux Companies, ‘Buying’ ISO Votes, and ‘Buying’… Countries Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: SubSonica Mon, 30 Jul 2007 08:01:46 +0000 The story about chile IS TRUE and, yes it is, to say the less, SHOCKING. There already a citizen movement has spread in order to protest and counter it:
called “Digital Liberation”:
The actions of MSFT are becoming so nasty, it is already spurring revolt movements…
You can´t run a business that goes AGAINST your customers… so how can MSFT be so successful?

Let’s think about all this from a different perspective
Jaroslaw Staineck proposal might be true:

“The guy at the keyboard of a Windows Vista box,
using Microsoft Office at work, and Windows Media
Player at home is not the customer, he is _the product_.
The customers are Dell, AOL, media licensing conglomerates, and so on.”


I.E: and actually, the millions of users of Microsoft’s software are not Microsoft’s customers, but Windows/Office users are a PRODUCT of Microsoft: The actual customers of Microsoft are the big media conglomerates, the big OEM manufacturers, the governments (that are allegedly able to control in a given moment, Microsoft’s software users through the backdoors inserted in the system by the security agencies, or think for a moment how Microsoft -among others- have accepted and collaborated with China’s demands for control and censorship of the net against free spech and human rights… )… and Microsoft is offering them a PRODUCT that is the users MSTF have “formed” for them: harmless, helpless, vulnerable, locked-in, controllable, unknowingly running programs they trust even if they have not the slightest idea of all the hidden information and private data they are trasnsmitting…
