Comments on: Opensuse Leadership Shakeup (Corrected) Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Loy Shitzforwits Sun, 22 Jul 2007 10:42:14 +0000 FUD FUD FUD FUD FUD, you’re like the Monty Python skit but instead of SPAM all you have is FUD.

And who the fuck is ‘Gary Stewart’?

By: Roy Schestowitz Sun, 22 Jul 2007 10:22:28 +0000 Gary Stewart (‘Loy Shitzforwits’),

We haven’t a censorship/deltition policy, but thanks to you might as well establish one. If you carry on with the abuse and the lies, I’ll simply delete all your comments (previous ones too).

By: Loy Shitzforwits Sun, 22 Jul 2007 09:22:37 +0000 You mean you are a dishonest zealot with a lot of time on your hands and plentiful funds from someone like RedHat, Sun or the F$F. Right?

FUD tastes bad. Don’t you have something better?

By: Roy Schestowitz Fri, 20 Jul 2007 09:53:44 +0000 We made some mistakes in the past, but we also corrected them (readers that follow the RSS feed rarely realise this, but addenda supply additional information to the archives).

Relying on blogs has always been risky (the font patents debate springs to mind), but even the mainstream press supplied us with disinformation. At one point, published an article that discredited our analysis on Samba developers leaving Novell. A publication from Australia, IIRC, was to blame. The path of links can often verify or misspell statements that are made.

Please help us correct the mistakes. To err is human (never is it intended).

By: Gall Fri, 20 Jul 2007 07:54:51 +0000 Now I understand your point of view. I’m not pro nor anti Novell. But with so many bad news on this site it sometimes looks like you are exaggerating.

By: Roy Schestowitz Fri, 20 Jul 2007 01:39:48 +0000 @ Gall:
> So don’t make openSUSE users and developers
> unhappy with your statements.

I try very hard, but properly separating Novell managers and employees that are in charge of Opensuse from uber-developers and executives that support the deal (e.g. de Icaza, Steinman, Hovsepian, Friedman) is even harder.

Seeing package management, press coverage, and ‘buzz’, I sometimes do think that Fedora is not the only community that loses some of its past glory and charm. I don’t know if the following invitation caught someone in the Net:

Mark actually said that his choice of Debian was almost arbitrary and he could go for a derivative of an RPM-based distribution. Then again, I believe he has been using Debian since the 90s.

By: Skeptic Thu, 19 Jul 2007 23:53:22 +0000 @Gall: On the contrary, Roy is doing an OUTSTANDING job of analysis of the so-called news. He has been far more critical of himself than most any blogger I have ever seen in his very attentive and thoughtful corrections to errors. Moreover, do you not realize that this web site reserves one day a week for _praising_ Novell? That is quite unnecessary but certainly no sign at all of paranoia! On the contrary, I bet Roy and Shane have praised them far more _substantially_ than most Novell fanboys.

I used to think “news” was mainly informational, but I have learned over the past year how it is mainly just another word for propaganda with both government and corporate sources. Democracy is suffering horribly from the corruption of the press. The world is in _desperate need_ of more watchdogs like

By: Stephen Thu, 19 Jul 2007 22:21:16 +0000 Thanks Roy – healthy doses of skepticism are indeed important and your insight is interesting to say the least! The cool thing about communities, and the one you’ve built here is no exception, is that they become a self correcting organism!

By: Gall Thu, 19 Jul 2007 19:11:50 +0000 You are trying to find scandal in every news with Novell or openSUSE in topic. Novell-MS deal is risky and has unknown future, but it does not mean that you have to be so paranoid. I think you should relax a bit. And as you mentioned somewhere before, openSUSE is not your target, Novell is. So don’t make openSUSE users and developers unhappy with your statements.

By: Roy Schestowitz Thu, 19 Jul 2007 13:29:49 +0000 Oops. You’re too right. I didn’t bother to check the hierarchy of these positions I’ll post a correction.

I wonder how this is related (if at all) to Robert Love, who joined Google a couple of months ago.

“Chief Architect of the Linux Desktop” versus “Director of Platform and openSUSE”. Seems completely separate…

By: Stephen Thu, 19 Jul 2007 13:05:17 +0000 Andreas was promoted to “Director of Platform and openSUSE” a broader portfolio than before, encompassing openSUSE. How is that a sign of a health problem? He’s gone up a level, not down, out or sideways?

Congrats AJ, well deserved!
