Comments on: Open Tech Exchange Explains How Microsoft Derailed GNU/Linux in Governments, Using “Corruption” Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: dyfet Wed, 15 Sep 2010 12:20:51 +0000 Ultimately this is because the sociopath prefer to make markets closed in a fixed and finite game where anyone else’s advantage must then come at another’s expense as there are many tools to control and exploit these. Diversity is not fragmentation, it is an open market where any and all things may become possible based on real needs rather than artificial demand and artificial scarcity, offering growth to all rather than to some, and one where success is not predicated on another’s failure. Such markets of true abundance however offer no control points, and that’s why they both hate and fear freedom.

By: satipera Wed, 15 Sep 2010 10:32:54 +0000 That Matt Assay piece you linked to is an interesting read within an interesting article. He seems to see it as a choice between a fractured market and the order imposed by a monopolist. This does seem to ignore the obvious and ever more successful model so many of us support where companies compete around open and free standards despite the best efforts of some others. How his opinion in that piece can be reconciled with his current job is a mystery to me.
