Comments on: Vista 7 Patches Break Crucial Software Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: twitter Sat, 12 Feb 2011 14:35:59 +0000 Shame on Chris Wolf and Gartner. The danger does not come from giving employees some measure of software freedom, it comes from using non free software. BYOD policies let people use gnu/linux, software that does not suffer from Microsoft incompetence or malice. Gartner would rather everyone used Vista 7:

Although Microsoft will continue supporting Windows XP through 2014, enterprises should begin migrating to Windows 7 soon to avoid losing support for their environments from independent software vendors.

The contradiction should make them blush. They basically say, “use Windows 7 but only under the supervision of company IT,” without showing that company IT has the power to block Microsoft’s update incompetence and malice.

Gartner is little more than a Microsoft mouthpiece and should not be taken seriously by IT professionals. GNU/Linux offers a cheap escape route from Windows problems but Gartner has nothing but FUD about that. While all sorts of companies from Chrysler, AutoZone and Lowes all the way down to mom and pop shops have successfully deployed gnu/linux for more than a decade, Gartner refuses to study migration to anything but Windows. Their site is filled with recycled FUD of the “Linux is not ready” type that is clearly unrealistic. Any IT person still ignoring GNU/Linux should be considered ignorant, incompetent or under Microsoft pay.
