Comments on: Steve Jobs and His War on Linux, LSD Addiction, and ‘Theft’ of Credit for UNIX, Java, Xerox Inventions Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Needs Sunlight Sun, 23 Oct 2011 18:46:07 +0000 ““I will spend my last dying breath if I need to, and I will spend every penny of Apple’s $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong,” Jobs said. “

Jobs was not exactly at his best for the last 3 or 4 years but he did say something quite relevant before that in 2005 about death is ‘life’s change agent’

By: Michael Sun, 23 Oct 2011 16:37:35 +0000 FUD:
We invented Android & KDE
and CUPS
oh, and the GUI too!
Complete and utter false “advocate” FUD. I have never heard *anyone* actually make such claims. Roy is spewing straw men because he does not want to face how Apple is seen, rightly so, as one of the most innovative companies of the last 20 years.

Fabricating evidence, dozens of actions to ban the
competition and various other cases of aggression are not an
achievement. Exploiting Free software and other people’s
ideas is not an achievement, either.
There is no evidence of Apple fabricating evidence (they used forged images given to them that they were not allowed to verify); they have been upheld by multiple courts as being correct in wanting to ban copy-cat products, and their is no example offered to even know what Roy means by their “aggression”. As far as “exploiting” open source software, even Linus Torvalds says:
I agree that it’s driven by selfish reasons, but that’s how all open source code gets written! We all “scratch our own itches”. It’s why I started Linux, it’s why I started git, and it’s why I am still involved. It’s the reason for everybody to end up in open source, to some degree.

So complaining about the fact that Microsoft picked a selfish area to work on is just silly. Of course they picked an area that helps them. That’s the point of open source – the ability to make the code better for your particular needs, whoever the ‘your’ in question happens to be.

Does anybody complain when hardware companies write drivers for the hardware they produce? No. That would be crazy. Does anybody complain when IBM funds all the POWER development, and works on enterprise features because they sell into the enterprise? No. That would be insane.

So the people who complain about Microsoft writing drivers for their own virtualization model should take a long look in the mirror and ask themselves why they are being so hypocritical.

The same, of course, applies to Apple and others who use open source software. Roy shows he does not understand the very basis of the open source philosophy! And he *also* benefits from open source – this he is hypocritical in his whining about how others do.

Gates is now promoting patents, just like Jobs does (even after his death).
Does Roy not understand people do *nothing* once they are dead?

Apple sure is scared of Linux/Android and evidence of this
is undeniable.
Roy makes this claim but then offers *no* evidence of Apple being “scared of Linux/Android”. Not a word of support nor a shred of evidence. Roy is misrepresenting Jobs’ anger at his view Android was copying Apple’s iOS.

The reality is Android did “borrow” from iOS… and iOS has “borrowed” from Android as well. It is pretty clear Android has gotten more from iOS then the other way. Is this enough to justify Jobs’ anger? I do not pretend to know… though the quoted comments do seem over the top for me. But Roy completely avoids this topic and opts to spew FUD instead.

No one has the right to sue every tom dick and harry
because they got money in the bank and want to grab even
more by manufacturing reasons and using the courts to hand
out verdicts that are systematically unfair given the
*whole* picture.”
Nobody is claiming anyone has any such right. Roy is misrepresenting the claims of Jobs and Apple. Nobody other than Roy is talking about “manufacturing reasons”. Roy is out and out lying.

From the article: “The 630-page account of the technology
pioneer’s life reveals intimate details of his relationships,
how he was influenced by LSD and railed against executives at
Apple who, he believed, cared more about making money than
good products.”

But as we later found out, Jobs was willing to blow $40
billion on just destroying Android.
Jobs speaks highly if his use of LSD. Roy twists this to claim Jobs had an LSD addiction. Another out and out lie by Roy.

And then Roy quotes material showing Jobs was not focused just on money, but then cannot see why Jobs’ anger at Android copying iOS can be about anything other than money. Roy is just lost. He does not understand how someone could be angered by immorality.

Last night we saw funny comment from a troll, who said: “The
steve jobs attacks are funded by the FSF, and carried out by
Techrights and its supporters.”

“Does the man behind ARM know that Steve Jobs claim credit
for things he never came up with?”Now, that was funny. We
find it flattering that one might draw a connection between
us and the FSF (none exists).
Roy calls others names (“a troll”) and does not give the context. This was in response to the idiotic claims that those who point out the false “advocate” FUD of Roy and his friends *must* be getting funded by Microsoft, as if only Microsoft is interested in truth.
