Comments on: Links – Deranged noises and damage from a Dying Microsoft. Corruption all around. Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Fri, 21 Oct 2011 22:51:30 +0000 FUD:
Microsoft already receives lots of direct and indirect government money and protection they don’t deserve but I don’t current supports are sufficient. As I pointed out above, Microsoft has already requested and received indirect bail out money.
Your link does not show MS getting a penny in bailout money from the government. Not one penny.

They do get tax breaks which are insane… but you did not even point to that!

Microsoft has also benefited from massive government purchases and official US trade policy which unjustly put the company above other US companies and citizen’s liberty.
Any company which sells a product gets money from the purchases! The US government has no obligation to follow the desires of Stallman’s cult.

Microsoft has also been expert at leveraging other unjust monopolies, such as phone and cable lines. Finally, Microsoft’s business model has long been protected by unjust copyright laws which absurdly punish people for copying malicious, binary files that will never enter the public domain.
IP laws are not the issue here. You talked about MS getting a bailout… not IP laws not being to your liking (or mine).

Microsoft would not exist without all of these protections at the rest of our expense, but even that is not enough to keep them around.
You flat out made this up. Just out of nowhere.

I expect them to ask for more secret bail out money and finally be forced to ask for a direct bail out based on national security, balance of trade or some other nonsense. If enough public money is sent to them, the failure can be put off. If the US makes Windows mandatory for network connection they will last even longer.
This borders on paranoid.

The Windows 8 Logo Program, which turns computers into jails that only run Microsoft approved software, will destroy the last remaining Microsoft partners without strong government mandates.
And this crosses the line into full blown paranoia.

By: twitter Fri, 21 Oct 2011 22:29:13 +0000 Microsoft already receives lots of direct and indirect government money and protection they don’t deserve but I don’t current supports are sufficient. As I pointed out above, Microsoft has already requested and received indirect bail out money. Microsoft has also benefited from massive government purchases and official US trade policy which unjustly put the company above other US companies and citizen’s liberty. Microsoft has also been expert at leveraging other unjust monopolies, such as phone and cable lines. Finally, Microsoft’s business model has long been protected by unjust copyright laws which absurdly punish people for copying malicious, binary files that will never enter the public domain. Microsoft would not exist without all of these protections at the rest of our expense, but even that is not enough to keep them around. I expect them to ask for more secret bail out money and finally be forced to ask for a direct bail out based on national security, balance of trade or some other nonsense. If enough public money is sent to them, the failure can be put off. If the US makes Windows mandatory for network connection they will last even longer. The Windows 8 Logo Program, which turns computers into jails that only run Microsoft approved software, will destroy the last remaining Microsoft partners without strong government mandates.

By: Michael Fri, 21 Oct 2011 20:34:54 +0000 Thanks for responding. Seriously. OK, so let’s see if MS is around in two years.

Hint: they will be.

But I have full confidence you will have your excuses all lined up. :)

So tell me, what form of government assistance are you thinking? A direct bailout?

By: twitter Fri, 21 Oct 2011 20:29:51 +0000 In 2008 or so, I thought they would go under in about five years. An Enron type fiasco this year would not surprise me. Their survival beyond two years without massive government assistance would. Thanks for asking.

By: Michael Fri, 21 Oct 2011 04:23:04 +0000 A dying MS?

LOL! Pick a date when you think they will fold.

Amazing… just amazing.
