Comments on: Apache Shows Why GNU/Linux is Safer Than Microsoft Windows; Microsoft Makes Batteries Dangerous Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: uberVU - social comments Thu, 11 Mar 2010 22:51:48 +0000 Social comments and analytics for this post…

This post was mentioned on Identica by schestowitz: #Apache Shows Why #GNU #Linux is Safer Than #Microsoft #Windows

By: Needs Sunlight Tue, 09 Mar 2010 10:53:55 +0000 @your_friend : it did not go undetected for three years, Microsoft did not publicly acknowledge it for three years, or more. There is a lot of difference there.

Wipe and reload becomes popular when Microsoft needs to sell new versions of Windows or when third party packages, of any kind, become too popular. Wipe and reload ensures that the 3rd party packages are knocked down at least a couple points in marketshare. It is to Microsoft’s advantage that they are so many decades behind Linux, OS X or even Solaris in regards to package management.

By: your_friend Tue, 09 Mar 2010 02:55:15 +0000 Ha ha, it went undetected for three years. The Windows version of that Energizer Bunny has been pulled from the market.

Regardless of when it was created, its discovery prompted Energizer to announce March 5 that it was discontinuing the sale of the product and removing the site from which the software could be downloaded. In addition, the company is urging consumers who downloaded the Windows version of the software to uninstall it.

It’s amazing how popular the wipe and reload becomes when Microsoft needs to sell a new version of Windows. Thanks for all the nice links.
