Comments on: Mono Applications Get Integrated with Microsoft Moonlight Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Sat, 18 Jul 2009 00:23:00 +0000 You don’t think it has anything to do with Roy’s libel about him?

Well, I think it does.

I really hate it when people do that, y’ know?

Don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.

—Edward Norton as “Bruce Banner” in The Incredible Hulk

By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Sat, 18 Jul 2009 00:16:28 +0000 The only resemblance to Mono that I see is his avatar, which reminds me of the Mono logo

I only just noticed this!

Jeebub, Roy, are you listening to yourself? My avatar reminds you of the Mono logo….? I think you really are starting to manifest some sort of cognitive problem here, you’re seeing Mono everywhere.

(Your avatar reminds me of “Alfalfa” from the LIttle Rascals. Except he had a more intelligent expression. But that’s really immaterial.)

By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Sat, 18 Jul 2009 00:12:19 +0000 Oh, Chump, since you keep harping on how much I’ve coded and when and where, I think it’s only fair that you share your own programming expertise with us.


By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Fri, 17 Jul 2009 23:48:56 +0000 The reason I am writing this is, because Lefty like many others, and both sides. always belittles those who do not “code.”

Hm. I don’t think I’ve ever “belittled those who do not ‘code’”. (I have belittled bogus “advocates” who have never gone to any conferences and don’t actually know any of the people they claim they advocating to, and who don’t realize that the people they claim they’re advocating to view them as a bad sort of joke… But that’s different.)

Actually, I think the non-coders deserve at least as much respect–and I’m talking about folks who do artwork, write documentation, do user experience design, and all the other things that make good free software–as the coders do. The coders usually think their job is fun, while getting a big kick out of, say, localization is a lot harder.

So, you’re flat-out wrong, Chimp. Again. And there was thus no reason for you to write this comment.

By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Fri, 17 Jul 2009 23:42:39 +0000 Since Roy has not corrected me, I have to assume that my recollection is accurate. So, Roy, to how many people in, say a given year, do you offer the opportunity to edit a page on this site…?

Like I said, if I gave a page on my web site to someone, I’d for sure know who they were and remember them.

By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Fri, 17 Jul 2009 23:36:53 +0000 Can anyone image that ACCESS and the Foundation would let a low level employee do this type of behavior on their paid time without some sort of discipline? That is if it got back to ACCESS and the Foundation.

Um, Chump, I’m not on “paid time” at the moment. I’m taking a comp day since I traveled all this past weekend and worked the weekend before: I’ve got four days coming to me this week.

Now, since you seem to have missed the memo, I made it very clear earlier on that I represent only myself when I post here, no one else. In particular, I don’t represent ACCESS.

I’ve also made it clear that, given the history–as documented in detail on my blog–of Roy approving of and giving direction to trolls who contacted my management over my telling someone (colluding with Roy) to quit posting flames to the ubuntu-devel list,


In other words, don’t attempt to mess with my job, Chimp–not that it would do you the slightest bit of good, by the way–or Roy will be the one who ends up paying for it. As I’ve said, I will go for court costs and damages commensurate with the “millions of hits a day” Roy claims this site gets (at even a penny a pop, that’s real money, Roy).

Further, I will ask that this domain be transferred to me, I will fill it up with pictures of kittens, all saying “”and I might even go for an order to keep Roy off the Internet for a while.

Like that idea? If you guys want to keep this nice cesspool of yours, play fair. Play nice. Don’t even think of getting extra-curricular with me.

Do I make myself fairly clear?

(Roy, this is your cue to tell us that you had nothing to do with it, and that I’m libeling you again. That’s a lie, but feel free to try to make your case in court if you like.)

By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Fri, 17 Jul 2009 23:23:37 +0000 Um, Chimp, it’s really a shame you typed all that crazy stuff in.

I never said I worked with Linus Torvalds; I said I worked with Linux.

Since you’re only parroting the same old “It’s all about patents or Mono or anything at all as long as it’s not about Stallman’s actual behavior“, I’m not going to even bother with you.

(Do you guys have pictures of Stallman under your pillows or something?)

The fact that you’re as dumb as you are makes it even easier. As I said, you lost al credibiltity when you claimed my web site was filled with pro-Mono postings, and you were unable to find even a single one as an example.

Actually, make the next one five times as long, could you? No one can be bothered to read this much incoherence in one place, but it seems to keep you amused and out of people’s hair.

By: Chips_B_Malroy Fri, 17 Jul 2009 23:17:48 +0000 david “Lefty” says:

“Well, when I was at NYU back in the 70s, I wrote message-handling code for an IMP (Internet Message Processor) that connected NYU to the ARPAnet.
When I was at Apple in the 90s, I wrote the drivers for many of the token ring and Ethernet cards that Apple made. If you installed an update to AppleTalk or MacTCP between 1993 and 1995 on a Mac, that was me and my team.
I haven’t coded much since I became a manager at Apple, but three years ago I was managing a 35-person kernel/driver/core software team. That was before I took on this good gig I have now.”
The reason I am writting this is, because Lefty like many others, and both sides. always belittles those who do not “code.” And since he is a “FOSS or Linux Advocate” in his own words, wouldn’t we expect that he has done a great deal of “coding” in FOSS or GPL licenced software? I know I would. But looking at his list, its all Apple software, which he was an Apple employee and drew a paycheck for. Except for the message handler part very early on, which predated FOSS and GPL most likely.

Still its an impressive list Lefty. But its not the mountains of code (Free open source software=none) that we would expect, now is it? In fact you were just into coding for the bucks, true?

Ah, but that doesn’t take into account what Lefty says here:
“but three years ago I was managing a 35-person kernel/driver/core software team.”

Sounds impressive to me. Almost would sound like Lefty was the real Linux Torvalds. Well, except that Lefty says he “managing” and not coding. Lefty like many others, like to belittle others that cannot code. But truthfully, does anyone else see where Lefty has “coded” a whole lot of FOSS software, or for that matter a whole lot of anything?

Now why would not Lefty answer my question if he was working day to day with Linux Torvalds or not? My guess is that while Leftys anwser that he “was managing a 35-person kernel/driver/core software team,” was technically correct, its left out many details that might have cast him in a role that would not compare with Linus, even remotely. My guess, and yes its a guess, because Lefty doesn’t want to anwser the question, is that Lefty was working for ACCESS drawing a paycheck on that 35 member team, which most likely downloaded a ARM kernel from, complied it, the “programmers” (coders nowdays folks to you) wrote some scripts, maybe a driver, compiled and added to the kernel, parts were then taken from the GNU software (the OS started by RMS) like some parts of Gnome libraries and GTK to make a User interface for the Cell phone software that ACCESS makes. This is correct isn’t it lefty?

But I am going to go a little bit further with this. Lefty says he “managing” the team. And just like in the term “emacs virgins” there are more than one meaning of “managing” the team. Coders are referred to still sometimes as “Programmers,” but when I learned how to “program,” that is what they were called period. At that time a manger could be a “Project Manager” who was usually someone with “programming experience and could also to some flow charting. Project Manager should not be confused with someone managing or Administrating a Project. They did not have hiring and firing responsibilities. Project managers where those who usually set what the program needed to do and how it would do it for the programmers.

Program Managers were also paid more than programmers. Programmers were the entry level jobs mostly, working in cubicles, not nearly as glamorous or high paying as one would think. Back then you could make more money typically on the entre level programming job, for most companies, by pounding nails (working construction). Maybe it has changed now, I do not know. I suggest that its also possible that Lefty was a “Project Manager” on that Kernel team for ACCESS instead of the guy running the show. But either is possible. Who knows, maybe he was working for Linus, LOL. Sure.

Now this is not a put down of Lefty, cause what he did do is impressive. Its just by omission he trys to make himself more important than his is. The ego problem that has been noted before.

But I am not done on the “programming” rant yet. I have said in the past that I am not a “coder.” True, but I did learn to “program.” in many more than just one language. I did not sell, license, release any programs. I did write some minor stuff, runtimes nothing but stuff to play with to learn. But belittling others because they are not “coders,” is not the right thing to do. Lefty is not by his own one a major coder either. We all hear of the big money that can be made by programmers, not true, unless you are Bill Gates or maybe Linus. Working for a company as a coder is not going make you rich. Most companies, including to some Degree are off shoring where there software is written, To places like India and China, where the base level pay for new coders could be as low as $1 to $2 an hour for coders. So do you have to know how to code to know about the Freedom of GNU software? NO. Get over the coding FUD people on all sides.

Now Lefty thinks he is an advocate. Because he gives speeches all over for the Foundation and ACCESS. Who knows, maybe he even writes those speeches or maybe ACCESS does. But one thing is for sure, after doing it for 3 years now, Lefty has convinced himself that his speeched are somehow the truth, and that he is the great FOSS and/or Linux Advocate. Truth is, ACCESS is the advocate, and Lefty is just an paid employee who gives speeches. Lefty even uses a Mac. Lefty, you are a flake and a phony, aren’t you? Your actions speak louder than your words at your conventions. You make fun of GNU software, you attack Richard Stallman, you attack Roy who defends Freedom and GNU/Linux. You are full of ego and hate, but really cannot point to anything major that you have done for desktop GNU/Linux, can you? PAID at every turn.

Now, for the hidden motive of Lefty. Why he hates Roy, and to some extent maybe Stallman. Lefty is only a mild MONO supporter. But I noticed that Lefty’s “emacs virgin’ attack came shortly after RMS came out with the patents concern. Still maybe this was not related, who knows. But Lefty went “exploded” for a better word, when Roy published his attack on RMS. Why, could it be that once again, that Lefty is only concerned about himself? About the one things that matters to him, most of all, a paycheck? BN gets a lot of attention these days, could it be that Lefty did not want the BN article to get on Digg/Slashdot, or other places where ACCESS and the Foundation might see this.

Can anyone image that ACCESS and the Foundation would let a low level employee do this type of behavior on their paid time without some sort of discipline? That is if it got back to ACCESS and the Foundation. Why would it let an employee insult a respected member of the community. Why would they want that type of negative publicity?

By: Chips_B_Malroy Fri, 17 Jul 2009 23:11:47 +0000 david “Lefty” says:

“Well, when I was at NYU back in the 70s, I wrote message-handling code for an IMP (Internet Message Processor) that connected NYU to the ARPAnet.
When I was at Apple in the 90s, I wrote the drivers for many of the token ring and Ethernet cards that Apple made. If you installed an update to AppleTalk or MacTCP between 1993 and 1995 on a Mac, that was me and my team.
I haven’t coded much since I became a manager at Apple, but three years ago I was managing a 35-person kernel/driver/core software team. That was before I took on this good gig I have now.”
The reason I am writing this is, because Lefty like many others, and both sides. always belittles those who do not “code.” And since he is a “FOSS or Linux Advocate” in his own words, wouldn’t we expect that he has done a great deal of “coding” in FOSS or GPL licensed software? I know I would. But looking at his list, its all Apple software, which he was an Apple employee and drew a paycheck for. Except for the message handler part very early on, which predated FOSS and GPL most likely.

Still its an impressive list Lefty. But its not the mountains of code (Free open source software=none) that we would expect, now is it? In fact you were just into coding for the bucks, true?

Ah, but that doesn’t take into account what Lefty says here:
“but three years ago I was managing a 35-person kernel/driver/core software team.”

Sounds impressive to me. Almost would sound like Lefty was the real Linux Torvalds. Well, except that Lefty says he “managing” and not coding. Lefty like many others, like to belittle others that cannot code. But truthfully, does anyone else see where Lefty has “coded” a whole lot of FOSS software, or for that matter a whole lot of anything?

Now why would not Lefty answer my question if he was working day to day with Linux Torvalds or not? My guess is that while Leftys answer that he “was managing a 35-person kernel/driver/core software team,” was technically correct, its left out many details that might have cast him in a role that would not compare with Linus, even remotely. My guess, and yes its a guess, because Lefty doesn’t want to answer the question, is that Lefty was working for ACCESS drawing a paycheck on that 35 member team, which most likely downloaded a ARM kernel from, complied it, the “programmers” (coders nowadays folks to you) wrote some scripts, maybe a driver, compiled and added to the kernel, parts were then taken from the GNU software (the OS started by RMS) like some parts of Gnome libraries and GTK to make a User interface for the Cell phone software that ACCESS makes. This is correct isn’t it lefty?

But I am going to go a little bit further with this. Lefty says he “managing” the team. And just like in the term “emacs virgins” there are more than one meaning of “managing” the team. Coders are referred to still sometimes as “Programmers,” but when I learned how to “program,” that is what they were called period. At that time a manger could be a “Project Manager” who was usually someone with “programming experience and could also to some flow charting. Project Manager should not be confused with someone managing or Administrating a Project. They did not have hiring and firing responsibilities. Project managers where those who usually set what the program needed to do and how it would do it for the programmers.

Program Managers were also paid more than programmers. Programmers were the entry level jobs mostly, working in cubicles, not nearly as glamorous or high paying as one would think. Back then you could make more money typically on the entre level programming job, for most companies, by pounding nails (working construction). Maybe it has changed now, I do not know. I suggest that its also possible that Lefty was a “Project Manager” on that Kernel team for ACCESS instead of the guy running the show. But either is possible. Who knows, maybe he was working for Linus, LOL. Sure.

Now this is not a put down of Lefty, cause what he did do is impressive. Its just by omission he trys to make himself more important than his is. The ego problem that has been noted before.

But I am not done on the “programming” rant yet. I have said in the past that I am not a “coder.” True, but I did learn to “program.” in many more than just one language. I did not sell, license, release any programs. I did write some minor stuff, runtimes nothing but stuff to play with to learn. But belittling others because they are not “coders,” is not the right thing to do. Lefty is not by his own one a major coder either. We all hear of the big money that can be made by programmers, not true, unless you are Bill Gates or maybe Linus. Working for a company as a coder is not going make you rich. Most companies, including to some Degree are off shoring where there software is written, To places like India and China, where the base level pay for new coders could be as low as $1 to $2 an hour for coders. So do you have to know how to code to know about the Freedom of GNU software? NO. Get over the coding FUD people on all sides.

Now Lefty thinks he is an advocate. Because he gives speeches all over for the Foundation and ACCESS. Who knows, maybe he even writes those speeches or maybe ACCESS does. But one thing is for sure, after doing it for 3 years now, Lefty has convinced himself that his speeched are somehow the truth, and that he is the great FOSS and/or Linux Advocate. Truth is, ACCESS is the advocate, and Lefty is just an paid employee who gives speeches. Lefty even uses a Mac. Lefty, you are a flake and a phony, aren’t you? Your actions speak louder than your words at your conventions. You make fun of GNU software, you attack Richard Stallman, you attack Roy who defends Freedom and GNU/Linux. You are full of ego and hate, but really cannot point to anything major that you have done for desktop GNU/Linux, can you? PAID at every turn.

Now, for the hidden motive of Lefty. Why he hates Roy, and to some extent maybe Stallman. Lefty is only a mild MONO supporter. But I noticed that Lefty’s “emacs virgin’ attack came shortly after RMS came out with the patents concern. Still maybe this was not related, who knows. But Lefty went “exploded” for a better word, when Roy published his attack on RMS. Why, could it be that once again, that Lefty is only concerned about himself? About the one things that matters to him, most of all, a paycheck? BN gets a lot of attention these days, could it be that Lefty did not want the BN article to get on Digg/Slashdot, or other places where ACCESS and the Foundation might see this.

Can anyone image that ACCESS and the Foundation would let a low level employee do this type of behavior on their paid time without some sort of discipline? That is if it got back to ACCESS and the Foundation.

By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Fri, 17 Jul 2009 16:34:11 +0000 LOL WTF?!?!?! XD

It’s really something the way you attract the best and the brightest here, Roy. A lotta sharp minds. Mm hm.

By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Fri, 17 Jul 2009 16:21:44 +0000 Where’s that apology, Roy? You blamed the broken-ness of your site on my “finding loopholes” in the rating system, and you were clearly wrong. Do I need to dictate you another one?

“I unfairly accused Lefty of gaming the ratings when, in fact, the truth is that the rating system on the site is busted, and I’m not competent to figure out why or fix it. I apologize to Lefty for making this unjust implication, fully and unreservedly retract it, and endeavor not to make similar irresponsible and unsubstantiated claims in the future.”

You post that, I’ll print out a copy, and then I can use it to line a bird cage. ‘Cause that’s about all it’s worth, coming from you, Roy.

By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Fri, 17 Jul 2009 16:16:06 +0000 I think people should suggest to Stallman that he adjust his performance.

Um, Jose, are you living under a rock? Is Roy’s memory problem contagious?

Did you somehow forget that I emailed Stallman to describe the issue and suggest exactly that, only to be greeted with claims of victimization and a complete refusal to either apologize or change, twice (from Stallman), as well as the Nameless Chorus singing a round of “OH NOES! YOU POSTED PRIVATE EMAIL!!” following up by a rousing chorus of “IT’S REALLY ALL ABOUT MONO!”

Amazing, Jose.

By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Fri, 17 Jul 2009 16:10:19 +0000 And you and I, we’re going to stamp out sexism in all its many varieties.

And, by the way, thanks for showing your true colors (again) and trying to turn a serious issue into a joke. Seems like you and Roy and the rest are doing more to stamp out discussion of sexism, at least when it’s Stallman doing it.

Have you ever actually met a woman, Jose…? Just wondering.

By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Fri, 17 Jul 2009 16:07:12 +0000 Jose, I implore you, I beseech , do not attempt to add “humor” to your repertoire. It’s very embarrassing for the rest of us to have to watch.

I’d stick to dithering, diversion, vacillation, equivocation and logorrhea if I were you–those seem to be more your strong suits.

By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Fri, 17 Jul 2009 16:03:14 +0000 Gonna be able to post that “definition” soon, Roy? Maybe I can help you.

troll (n.): Any person who expresses opinions contrary to Roy’s, especially when they have the wherewithal to expose Roy’s lies, shred his fabricated “points” into confetti and generally make it clear to any rational onlooker that Roy’s a lying sack of excrement, who’s about as thick as two planks and as sharp as a sack of hammers.

That sound about right?

By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Fri, 17 Jul 2009 15:59:59 +0000 I’m unable to say that you work for M$, David, but I can say that others here are paid to post.

You can say that I’m nine feet tall, with horns, fangs and a tail, and that still doesn’t make it so. Hasn’t stopped you before, though. Since you say a lot of things, Willy, and haven’t got the slightest substantiation for any of ‘em, people don’t actually pay a whole lot of attention to what you say.

I can and will say that your are here to abuse and harass rather than discuss or inform and that there’s nothing honest about you.

Prove it. Demonstrate that I’ve told a lie. I’ve demonstrated over and over and over that Roy has. You seem pretty sure of yourself here, WIlly, show your work.

It is a shame that you spend so much of your time like that.

Pretty bold words from a guy who spends his existence propagating links from this site onto Digg and Reddit all day long. At least I can write. And read.

By: Jose_X Fri, 17 Jul 2009 15:47:26 +0000 David, what would be do around here without your company?

And you and I, we’re going to stamp out sexism in all its many varieties.

Let me keep homing my sneaky patented process here in boycottmono. You bring us juicy footage from each kingdom you befriend and grace. Even Roy can help as he prepares you the next whopper.

By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Fri, 17 Jul 2009 15:47:12 +0000 Who have I “threatened”, Roy?

By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Fri, 17 Jul 2009 15:45:55 +0000 Actually, Roy has made support of Mono, at least as a notion, more popular. People were wearing Mono stickers at GCDS on their badges, in large part, because they’re sick of Roy and the sleazy, underhanded, mendacious tactics he and his little platoon of non-contributors use to press their “case.”

Roy, still waiting to hear when you’re going to put your name in for a seat on the Ubuntu Technical Board. I mean, you were serious about wanting to get Mono out of Ubuntu, right?


By: David "Lefty" Schlesinger Fri, 17 Jul 2009 15:41:09 +0000 I see you have kept up your abusive posting and attacks on Richard Stallman.

I see you still haven’t manage to locate two working neurons that you could manage to rub together to actually generate a thought, Willy.

I haven’t “abused” or “attacked” Stallman, I’ve criticized him, and I’m entirely entitled to. Call it “advocacy”, if that makes it more palatable to you.

The more you do this, the less credibility you have.

“Credibility” with whom? You? Roy? Jose? The Chimp?

Oooh, that sounds terrible. I’m going to go hide in the back of the closet now.

Congratulations on finding a video with RMS saying the things you said he does…

Congratulations on standing around for two weeks with your eyes squeezed shut and your fingers in your ears, chanting, “Lalalalalalalalalalala-I-can’t-hear-Lefty-lalalalalalalalala…”

I’d ask you to retract your statement that I just made this up, but it’s pointless. You’re as pathological a liar as Roy is.

…though it’s does not do the things you say it does…


Mr Stallman’s comments are clearly a parody of the Cult of the Virgin Mary

A claim that’s been dealt with, soundly, about ten dozen times already. You seem to be heading for the argument that “Religion is sexist, and Stallman’s parodying religion, so while the joke seems really sexist, because the whole thing is a parody, that ‘flips the sign’ on the offensiveness of the joke and actually makes it a positive blow in favor of feminism.”

Try telling a few women that. When you’re finished, I hear ice packs can help a lot with the pain and swelling in your groin. Although you and Roy may well be entirely immune from such ills.

Only the most deranged or ignorant character would feel sexually threatened by what’s obviously a talk about free software from a person who jokes that the world of software is so removed from sex that many programmers meet the strict religious abstinence from sex…

Oh, the stupid! It burns!

So, let’s see. For starts, you’ve identified Chani, Celeste Lyn Paul, Matthew Garrett, Dave Neary, Andre Klapper, Paul Cutler, Kirrily Robert, Jono Bacon and a pile of others as “deranged and ignorant characters”. Nice work, Willy. Those are the folks you “advocate” to on this fly-blown and festering corpse of a web site.

Second, you’ve inverted your conclusion. Did the notion ever enter that empty and echoing cavern that’s sitting on top of your neck that maybe, just maybe, the reason that “many programmers meet the strict religious abstinence from sex” (your illiteracy’s showing, by the way, Willy) is because they’ve displayed the same sorts of attitudes that Stallman has, and no sane woman would go near them without a can of pepper spray and a cattle prod?

