Comments on: Apple Tablets Don’t Work, Linux/Android Tablets Take Over Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Wed, 04 Apr 2012 17:02:56 +0000 I hope Android does well – on cell phones and tablets. From the little I have used it, I do not agree with Apple that it is a direct copy of iOS, even if it is clearly inspired by it (and iOS has some areas where it has been inspired by Android). Still, my experience with Android is small – as is my use of modern iOS devices. I am open to arguments that back Apple’s claims of Android copying Apple (plagiarizing, essentially).

As Android tablets come out, many will fill niches the iPad does not – or iPads if the rumors are to be believed about Apple working on different sizes and the like. The low end ones such as the Nook, for example, are designed with a very different set of goals. This is excellent to see… and I hope to see more such innovation and experimentation in the sector. Over times things will shake out a bit, but so be it. Getting to that point will be interesting and educational.

By: walterbyrd Mon, 02 Apr 2012 13:29:45 +0000 Be interesting to see what happens when the google tablet comes out.

The google tablet may cost as little as $149, and may come out as soon as this May.

IMO: the big advantage that apple has over android is that, in the apple world, all the pieces fit together hand-in-glove. The online stuff, the desktop/laptop stuff, the mobil stuff – all work together.

Google is just the opposite. For example, google chrome does not work with youtube. There is no app for android to sync with google online apps. It goes on, and on.

Also, Apple costomer service is far superior.

Google gets about 97% of it’s income from advertises. Everything other than advertises gets a distant back seat with google.

I don’t hate google, just the opposite. I use google for everything, and I have a series of google certifications. I just wish that google would get their act together.
