Comments on: “Emergency!” Says Microsoft as It’s Losing Market Share; All Versions of Windows Are Vulnerable Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dennis Murczak Thu, 21 Jan 2010 18:45:34 +0000 That pretty much sums up Windows history. They also copied KDE and sudo and marketed both as groundbreaking new stuff.

They should have stopped slapping new features onto a rotten legacy architecture years ago; now they are paying the bill. Not to mention that the only market in which they don’t have to compete is shrinking.

By: subsonica Thu, 21 Jan 2010 00:25:16 +0000 If it were just Internet Explorer…

there is something fundamentally wrong with Windows security design.
Windows was never meant nor actually prepared to be multiuser or networked. Back in the days, Microsoft simply took MS-DOS + LAN MANAGER and glued to it a ripoff of the Digital VMS model of user security, copied the HPFS filesystem from OS2 (shafting IBM in the process) and called it NTFS, then added the Netware and BSD TCP/IP stack into the mix, called it “Windows NT” and they have just kept patching that model up to the current offerings, adding an E+E+E’ed version of LDAP called “Active Directory” on top of it from Windows 2000 on.
Every day that passes, keeping relying on this windows model for your data, services and applications is becoming more and more an irresponsability.
