Comments on: University of the Western Cape Boycotts Novell Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Tue, 03 Jan 2017 04:31:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Mon, 27 Nov 2006 04:43:40 +0000 The guy seems like an Open Source advocate to me…

This probably applies to anyone who signed the petition for a very particular reason, which is liaising with a convicted monopolist and betraying “the community”. Other than Novell and Microsoft, there still remain some tools that substitute some, if not all, the above. But your point is a good one nonetheless, I just hope it does not reflect on the truth.

By: Joshua Bergland Mon, 27 Nov 2006 02:53:45 +0000 Novell is more than just SUSE Linux.

Novell has eDirectory, GroupWise, Open Enterprise Server, ZENworks, identity management, etc.

What other company has a complete network solution? That’s right, the very company we are all upset that Novell has decided to partner with. What is the choice other than Novell? Microsoft.

Do we all now turn our back on Novell and just go straight to the devil’s hands?

By: Roy Schestowitz Sun, 26 Nov 2006 16:22:39 +0000 Update: Here’s his comment in the petition.

“Derek Keats, Executive Director, Information and Communication Services The University of the Western Cape Cape Town, South Africa

Note from Derek Keats: As a non-trivial CUSTOMER of Novell, we will be looking at all our applications during the next 3-4 months, with a view to finding the fastest possible way to get ALL NOVELL PRODUCTS completely out of our environment. As a company that we have been customers of for over a decade, you have let us down badly, and as customers, you may expect us to vote with our feet and encourage others within the education domain to do the same.”

By: Roy Schestowitz Sun, 26 Nov 2006 15:54:05 +0000 The migration from Novell products (primarily, if not only, SUSE, I suppose) to, let us say, Red Hat is relatively simple. That’s what one gets out of Open standards and POSIX uniformity. Linux promotes competition which benefits the customer.

Judging by the tone, this professor is a Free software advocate, so I am sure he will avoid Microsoft (and its ‘allies’) at all costs. Since it’s in SA, he’s most likely to choose Ubuntu, I guess. It’s somewhat of a partiotic move. I think that one of the comments in the petitions (maybe it was his) pointed in this direction. I think it was a University in Africa that was mentioned, but I can recall for sure. It’s worth exploring.

As a side note, a migration from Linux to Windows is often an imposibility. Not because of finance, but because too many features are lost, as well as stability and security. This applies to servers and desktops, although many Open Sourc programs run under Windows.

By: Sslaxx Sun, 26 Nov 2006 11:45:05 +0000 Yes, BUT… there is a risk they’ll be switching to Windows and not (another) Linux! This is NOT necessarily a good thing.
