Comments on: Microsoft et al Caught Trolling — Lying About IBM and OOXML Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Wed, 23 Jan 2008 15:02:39 +0000 I think it’s important to stress that ODF/OOXML is a question that applies to the general population, not a selected number of customers who happen to stock software from a particular single software vendor.

By: Wouter van Vugt Wed, 23 Jan 2008 14:16:37 +0000 :) I called my self narrow sighted, but I am glad others don’t feel the same way!

The reason why I feel Open XML is a true open standard has little to do with some guy building a PHP library for it. It is due to:
- Open XML being owned by a standards group which maintains it (ECMA)
- Open XML being fully disclosed and documented
- Having multiple implementations available

Safe to say I am not a purist, and absolutely biased (Microsoft gives me software which enables me and my customers most, I love it!)

By: Rene Wed, 23 Jan 2008 09:04:16 +0000 I never said Wouter van Vugt is narrow sighted, and I don’t believe he is. He’a aware of lots of non Microsoft stuff. As an expert on the subject of Microsoft Office and MS Office XML he may be biased, but who isn’t?

Fact is however that he implied support by IBM for Open Office XML during his talk at DevDays.

I stand corrected on the point of him saying the specs were ‘open source’. He did not say that. I’m sorry, my bad, guess I typed too fast.
What he did say was it was that OOXML is a ‘truly open standard’ because some PHP project can work with Office 2007 XML files.
I think he’s aware that other projects that are Open Source can open and generate Office 97 documents, and this does not prove Office 97 documents to be an open standard.

Any proper XML-tool will be able to do something with any valid XML-document (including OOXML).

I wouldn’t have mentioned it here if I didn’t have the feeling he was making these two points to give his (technical) audience the feeling OOXML is an undisputed open standard that has the support of IBM, while he’s perfectly aware it’s not.

Once again, I didn’t misquote him on purpose, and I am sorry about that.

By: Wouter van Vugt Wed, 23 Jan 2008 08:37:34 +0000 Just to set everything straight. I am a narrow sighted guy, non-Microsoft software is outside of any scope defined within my company. Open XML is just about as much open source as the the ‘W’ key on my keyboard (it is a great Open Standard though) I no longer work for Info Support, which I still think is a great company to work for, so I don’t mind the connection. I have been doing Microsoft software, Office integration and development on the .NET platform way before Open XML came into my line of sight.

Please continue to mis-inform again.

“Beyond Microsoft, nothing else exists in his universe” I especially loved this one. Lol!

By: Roy Schestowitz Tue, 22 Jan 2008 13:16:47 +0000 Stephane,

The media blitz started a long, long time ago. I can still vividly remember this unbelievable outrage. 800lb gorilla…

By: Stephane Rodriguez Tue, 22 Jan 2008 12:52:56 +0000 For the record, Wouter employed by Infosupport, a Microsoft shop, spent last year with Doug Mahugh to participate to Microsoft tech conferences all around the world (with emphasis on countries not inclined to vote Yes at ISO). His job was to evangelize OOXML. Microsoft also went as far as investing in him and released a quick book about OOXML. Doug “Mr bribery” Mahugh talks about him weekly.

Now he’s a consultant specializing in how to integrate OOXML and sharepoint. Needless to say, this is perfectly in line with Microsoft agenda.

Enough said.

By: ml2mst Tue, 22 Jan 2008 11:58:43 +0000 [quote]Wouter van Vugt (NOT a Microsoft employee)[/quote]

Nor an unbiased person ether:

Beyond Microsoft, nothing else exists in his universe.

By: Rene Tue, 22 Jan 2008 10:56:56 +0000 I went to Microsoft DevDays 2007 where Wouter van Vugt (NOT a Microsoft employee) specifically mentioned OOXML being supported by IBM. He also said the OOXML specs were truly ‘open source’ because some PHP-project used OOXML for something.

By: Stephane Rodriguez Tue, 22 Jan 2008 10:15:01 +0000 I think we are in the middle of Microsoft’s media blitz.

Last week was Burton Group childish attempt to tell the world what little they understand about OOXML, along with Brian Jones’s side-stepping the undocumented specs issue (making it impossible for anyone to formally verify Microsoft’s number one claim and stated goal that this new file format is done for backwards compatibility) by starting yet another empty and useless open source project (isn’t that the way Microsoft espouses a certain level of DeIcazafecalation of things?)

This week we have the IBM FUD, not that it’s new. I am sure we’ll have support for OOXML for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum very soon…

By: Roy Schestowitz Tue, 22 Jan 2008 07:56:11 +0000 That’s just part of the newest strategy, for sure. Try to go and join the ‘enemy’ and then tell the ‘enemy’, “stop criticising Microsoft. They are nice people.” (a photo of Bill Hilf or Bruce Byfield springs to mine here). Where have we seen similar maneuvers just a week ago? Oh, here we go:

Microsoft Keeps Its Enemy Closer (and Away from GNU/Linux).

LUGs should be smarter than this. They should remember how Microsoft wanted to “build a bridge” with FOSS, only to start an extortion racket a few months later. This is the company that pays people money to sue Linux. It’s also the company that called a certain something a “cancer” and said that it has financial obligations, i.e. “you owe us money when you write your own code.”

By: SubSónica Tue, 22 Jan 2008 07:42:18 +0000 BTW.:Hope the guys can ask the questions with more “punch” and that they don´t let the MSFT execs escape before they are K.O., hey, they asked for it!, it was MSFT who approached the LUG!!!:

By: SubSónica Tue, 22 Jan 2008 07:37:58 +0000 And now what is next? Microsoft infiltrating local Linux users group in order to undermine the grassroots support from the GULS for Free Software?
Maybe recruiting brains for their next OS -that would be a copy of Linux-?
Maybe they are just trying to “know their enemy” in order to better undermine and gain some brainshare…? beware, Sidney LUG folks…!
