Comments on: Microsoft is Chucking Apple After Using Apple to Promote OOXML Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: twitter Tue, 17 Aug 2010 03:40:11 +0000 It’s funny that the makers of Excel can say that anyone else’s spreadsheet might not work right. Excel is famous for math errors. People are better off with Gnumeric or OO Calc which provide all of the same functions without error.

Equally funny is that the makers of Word would try to slam anyone else’s formatting. Word’s formatting is one of the worst, when it works right. Word is famous for not working with itself due to changes in fonts, even printers used. When those things do actually work, Word’s typography is horrible – slightly better than what you might get from a typewriter. Most people are better off with OO Writer and professionals should use LaTex or some other real publishing software.

One thing that shines through all of this is that real choice comes from real standards and free software. Open Office brings ODF to Windows, Mac and GNU/Linux. ODF is implemented by Google Docs, KOffice and many other programs from independent projects. OOXML won’t work on your expensive Mac, Microsoft designed it that way at the cost of it not working well anywhere.
