Comments on: Rumour: Bill Gates Could Develop/Foster Yet Another Patent Troll, Maybe Lobby Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Mon, 27 Oct 2008 00:43:01 +0000 Lyle,

it seems to be one of those stalkers who harass advocates.

“I agree there’s a huge amount of astroturfing going on here. They’re doing their best to stifle you.”

By: lyle howard seave Mon, 27 Oct 2008 00:24:32 +0000 Who is this obsessed Betto exactly and why isnt he surfing for doggie pr0n instead?

By: Roy Schestowitz Fri, 24 Oct 2008 08:02:15 +0000 @Needs Sunlight : I wonder if OIN’s inability to resolve the issue is the reason for JR’s departure.

@Betto: You can’t judge me based on the actions of somebody else. Period.

By: Needs Sunlight Fri, 24 Oct 2008 07:35:37 +0000 JR’s quote belies ignorance. At this late stage it cannot be considered accidental.

Yes, he’s probably correct in assessing risk of patent troll attacks being higher for closed source. Linus Torvalds, among many others, pointed that out years ago.

However, the bit of disinformation JR is spreading has to do with who is affected. Patents affect *users* You use it, you’re infringing. It’s not a development issue and it’s a disservice to let MS boosters, or any one else, propagate that error further.

By: Betto Fri, 24 Oct 2008 02:49:50 +0000 Anyone reading your IRC logs can see that this person is not just a “reader”. Not only does he provide you with content and use links posted there for his Slashdot journal, you have apparently also tasked him with disrupting Slashdot conversations by posting links to your blog in comments that are often modded negatively (troll and flamebait), if not just offtopic.

Your definition of “scraping the bottom of the barrel” must be an interesting one, considering your current company. Crapflooding Slashdot discussions and operating 14 accounts there (that are known), pretending that he is other people, referring to himself in the third person, etc. That is scraping.

And if he does that on Slashdot, who knows what he does here? On Digg? On Usenet? On any number of internet forums that you routinely link to to support your arguments?

By: Roy Schestowitz Fri, 24 Oct 2008 01:20:43 +0000 Readers of the site do not magically become “close associates”.

You obviously scrape the bottom of the barrel trying to find something with which to discredit or shoot the messenger. It won’t work.

By: Betto Fri, 24 Oct 2008 01:17:27 +0000 Beware of comments on this blog! One of Roy Schestowitz’ close associates is a well-known nymshifter and shill extraordinaire at Slashdot, where his dishonest activities have made him a legend (not in the good way). Today for example:

See below for context:
