Comments on: Speak Out: Did Microsoft Florian — Funded Also by Apple — ‘Spam’ You Too? More Funding Appears to Come From Anti-Android/Linux Camp. Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: mcinsand Thu, 23 Aug 2012 16:44:12 +0000 A couple of things. First, ‘Microsoft Florian’ is a bit limiting, in addition to being a lot of syllables. Let’s take a fresher look at him. Flo is a working girl with a mouth that does what it’s paid to do. What if we shorten things a bit to be accurate, but not too crude: Floho?

Next, I have been doing a lot of thinking about the cult’s use of words and language, and I think that can get some handle on what they try to pass off as reasoning. Let’s say, for example, that LG comes out with a really clear, sharp display that they are out flogging to high end technology-related companies. LG innovated, invented, and developed this display, at least in terms that rational people understand, and Apple becomes one of their customers. Now, to the cultist, by marketing and commercializing this display, Apple has ‘innovated.’ We can’t really say that this would be part of their dictionary because we then see what happens when someone else buys these displays for use in a product. Where Apple ‘innovated’ by purchasing what LG was offering, the other companies ‘slavishly copied.’ There! We now have a pattern, and it is one simply that words will have whatever meaning serves the cult and dodges the simple reality that Apple charges more and actively fights choice and freedom. Apple markets and repackages. Development and innovation are left to their vendors.
