Comments on: Patents Roundup: OIN Calls for Patent Reform, Microsoft’s ‘Sudo’ Revisited Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Sat, 14 Nov 2009 12:19:17 +0000 ..or invalidate the patent (reexamination).

By: finalzone Sat, 14 Nov 2009 12:02:06 +0000 “Here is a summary of posts on the subject and also interpretation from Microsoft boosters. It is being claimed that Microsoft patented the equivalent of PolicyKit, not sudo. █”

After doing some research, I found this page

It looks like PolicyKit is similar to Solaris RBAC (Role Based Access Control). That approved patent for Microsoft used for either Vista and Windows 7 is not original at all because it is just another implementation of RBAC (UAV in Microsoft word).

Should it be the case, then USPTO once again show their high degree of incompetence.

By: Chips B. Malroy Fri, 13 Nov 2009 22:58:05 +0000 Does it really matter as much if its policykit or sudo that MS is trying to steal and patent? Either way, MS is infringing, and should be sued by the “patent” law of the land (USA). If you live by the sword (patent) then you also die by the sword. Sure, we would be far better off without any software patents, and for that matter even pharmaceuticals should be looked into as well.

Remember when MS patented advertising embedded in an OS? MS sorted of tried that with an application (a version of MS Works 9 free with advertising outside of USA and most developed countries) by it seems to have not worked out well for them, when you consider that MS has now killed the Works project. Must not have had any real interest from the 3rd world which could pirate the real thing without advertisements, or generated any income for MS.

The only silver lining one can see here with MS patenting and infringing, is that maybe, MS will use this by default on Windows 8, and create a true limited account rather than the terrible half baked UAC with administrator as default. While there is just too many trojans out there, and the windows way of installing software is to get software from anywhere, still this might help a little as far as security. Anything that lessons the pain of windows users, is partially good, although MS has done it in a completely dishonest way, as usual.
