Comments on: Nokia Can Oust — But Not Recover From — Microsoft Mole Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Thu, 05 Jan 2017 01:24:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Mon, 31 Oct 2011 02:42:22 +0000 Contrary opinions are not to be allowed!

Seriously, if you think I am wrong then refute my points. You cannot, so you want me banned and you call me names.

By: twitter Mon, 31 Oct 2011 02:28:56 +0000 The best thing the next CEO can say is, “I’m sorry about what happened.” The recovery of the company depends on how many people Elop fired, how far away they got and how easily Nokia can get them back. The company was better served with unique offerings like Symbian, QT, Naemo and Mego but these are the people Elop has fired.

By: twitter Mon, 31 Oct 2011 02:24:19 +0000 Talking about moles, I’m tired of this one. Can we please ban this pest?

By: Michael Sun, 30 Oct 2011 18:12:06 +0000 Nokia is looking to differentiate themselves from the Android phones. This gives users more choice.

What is the problem with this? You make it clear what your problem is:

Nokia did not actually need to compete with Android. It could just embrace it instead. Or it could go with MeeGo, which was very powerful at the time and enjoyed the support of big vendors.

Not only did Nokia commit the horrible sin of not using Android, they did not even go with a Linux based option. Those jerks! How dare they want to run their own business! How dare they offer customers choice!

How can they redeem themselves? Oh, you make that clear, too:

Maybe it can salvage a bit of the company by tossing him out (he is rumoured to be leaving within months) and then focus just on Linux again.

With us or against us. Black and white. What a small world you live in, Roy.

But my favorite quote:

Windows on phones is a non-starter with a market share of about 1% and serious lack of features.

This is just *hilarious*. Ok, after many years, desktop Linux has passed the 1% mark. But not by much… not even up to 2% based on web stats. And desktop Linux does poorly for the reason you note: a “serious lack of features”… or, at best, poorly done features. The desktop Linux ecosystem just does not compete well with Windows and OS X… so based on your comments, Roy, people should just give up on desktop Linux.

I personally disagree with that position. But it is the logical conclusion to your comments.
