Comments on: Cost of Patent Trolls Studied as Acceptance of USPTO Falls, Developers Complain Even in Press Releases Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Fri, 18 Nov 2011 16:57:28 +0000 Fair enough… and thank you for the correction.

But Google is not deemed “evil”. They are still the good guys – even if they play the same games as the “bad guys”.

I would love to see Roy state what he sees as good and evil and then apply that equally to all of the companies he talks about: Apple, MS, Samsung, Google, HTC. Also apply it to the open source world.

is it wrong to sue? Is it wrong to “slavishly” copy other’s work? Is it wrong to give products away for free? Is it wrong to collect users’ data?

The answer changes with Roy depending on his preconceived notions of who is good or evil. Bottom line: if Apple or MS do any of those things it is wrong; if the others named above do it they are doing the right thing, or, at worst, are making a strategic mistake but are not being evil.

By: saulgoode Fri, 18 Nov 2011 11:31:43 +0000

And yet you did not complain when Google purchases massive “indicators of monopoly power”.

Actually, Techrights — on several occasions — has complained about Google’s purchasing of patents.

By: Michael Fri, 18 Nov 2011 01:26:30 +0000 FUD:

It does so by measuring not only the number of patents a company files, but also the influence, global reach and success of its patents.”

Innovation should not be quantified in these terms. Profit and patents are something better used as indicators of monopoly power, which is what patents are all about at the end of the day.

And yet you did not complain when Google purchases massive “indicators of monopoly power”.

Again, massive bias on your part.

In any case, yes – the patent system is broken. It needs to be improved and it needs to be made more consistent around the world so people know what they are dealing with.

But unless or until you have an actual solution, all you are doing is whining. Over and over and over.
