Comments on: Why GNU/Linux is Microsoft’s #1 Desktop Threat, Shareholders Are Finally Being Informed Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Tue, 03 Jan 2017 04:31:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chips B. Malroy Wed, 05 Aug 2009 23:51:55 +0000 One more question on my list:

5. Since Ballmer already knows the correct percentage of desktop market share of Linux users, then why does Microsoft pay Net Apps for data it already has? Especially knowing that data they are paying for is wrong.

By: Chips B. Malroy Wed, 05 Aug 2009 23:19:47 +0000 “According to Steve Ballmer, GNU/Linux has more market share than Mac OS X (on the desktop).”

using Ballmer’s pie chart from the link you provided, it clearly show Linux with quite a bit more users than Mac.

So this should bring up some questions:

1. Why cannot Net Apps get it right? Their percentages are clearly wrong again. It amazing when I trust Ballmer’s word over another, but there it is.

2. Why would anyone trust the data from Net Apps ever again after their 5% faulty “correction”?

3. Why would MS continue to be Net Apps largest sponsor (they pay money to Net Apps) knowing that Net Apps data is so wrong? Is it that on one hand, MS gains by using Net Apps to give the perception that Linux use is tiny?

4. Why would the number two paying sponsor of Net Apps, Apple, be happy with the new data showing them losing half of their market? Will Apple quit Net Apps, or continue to pay for faulty data as well? Also, does Apple gain by using Net Apps to provide faulty data showing Linux as a tiny usage?
