Comments on: Fans of Apple Disappointed by iPad; Hype is Paid for by Apple Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Tue, 03 Jan 2017 04:31:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: your_friend Sat, 30 Jan 2010 07:22:30 +0000 The iPad will not be a dud but it clearly highlights a lack of competition in the hardware market. The device is an ARM powered picture frame with a touch screen, wifi, bluetooth and different software. If ever there was a platform for a $100 computer, this is it. Something is very wrong with the market that is able to produce large quantities of picture frames but not GNU/Linux tablet computers. GPE and Opie have been ready for mass use for eight years and were making great progress before the whole PDA market was obliterated by Microsoft. iPhone is what palm and free software on PDAs were with universal wireless access, a few interesting interface tweaks and OEM support. It’s popularity is assured by government spectrum monopolies and Microsoft incompetence. The larger world market is not being served and worthy projects like OLPC are destroyed as the information revolution is delayed by publishing and telco incumbents.

We should not overlook this attractive form factor’s great potential, we should demand it for ourselves. Portable, low power consumption computing with universal wireless access is a very desirable thing. With bluetooth, you don’t need connectors for keyboards and other input devices. With USB video, the form factor is not limited by it’s display size. The same can be said for PDA sized devices. Xstroke is an excellent input method for portable computing. We should demand these things in free forms from equipment makers. We should also demand that bogus patents on input methods be eliminated. Multitouch and effective graffiti input are things that people should be able to sell without fear of lawsuits. Apple is a villain in all of this and should be shunned no matter how well built or attractive their hardware. Microsoft and Apple are the primary reasons hardware makers have been so unresponsive to obvious hardware needs for the better part of a decade.

By: Yuhong Bao Fri, 29 Jan 2010 17:56:35 +0000 Still, I like it, I even participate in the forums.
And they did cover the FSF boycott:

By: Roy Schestowitz Fri, 29 Jan 2010 15:41:27 +0000 Ars has occasionally disappointed me for the past year, especially with Emil and the Mono promotion.

By: NotZed Fri, 29 Jan 2010 15:30:27 +0000 “In an online petition and an open letter to Steve Jobs, the open source organisation says:”

Do you think IDG called it an open source organisation on purpose, or is the author just inept? It was a very badly written article in general, little more than plagiarising, sorry, paraphrasing, the anti-drm petition page.

Well, I suppose any sort of coverage is better than none at all.

And wow, the register article is quite fair about the dfd campaign and it’s importance, as are the comments, very well informed. Much in contrast to the arstechnica article from the earlier post, whose comments were just disturbingly uninformed (bordering on, and often breaching, offensive) for a presumably techie readerbase (or disturbingly astro-turfed).
