Comments on: IDG is Again Advertising and Whitewashing Microsoft in Articles About ‘Open Source’ Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Thu, 05 Jan 2017 01:24:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: twitter Fri, 04 Mar 2011 03:23:27 +0000 You are welcome. The only strength Microsoft has is marketing and coercion but even those fail them now. Tools made for Windows are a reflection of the strength of a developer community and their ability to overcome Microsoft’s flaws, restrictions and malice. As a Microsoft representative admitted the other day, those developers are now mostly writing to free software platforms.

Try DSL on low ram machines. I’ve run Lenny on less than 128MB and a 233MHz PII using E16 as a window manager. The same works better on a 333 MHz PowerPC iMac and Gnome is usable. It is hard to find a lower speced machine now, even handhelds and tablets have more. Happy Hacking.

By: KettleCooker Fri, 04 Mar 2011 02:06:16 +0000 Thank you for your efforts, twitter, bringing this to attention.
Funny how few-to-no people focus on actual Windows strengths. You get the occasional “good administration tools” bit, but it’s just a layer on Windows, not windows itself.

I would admit XP runs decent on 128MB of ram, providing what it does, and precursor versions could run on less. I haven’t found a Linux distro that could run on < 512k of ram (I own a pc of that sort) – debian on floppies requires 32 Mb for a command line system – I may just be dumb. (can anyone point me in the right direction?)

But for all it's "okay"ness, there's nothing that stands out. And all the negatives make everything but it's familiarity a shroud of incompetence.
There's also a reason M$'s EULA states you cannot use "non-official" benchmarking on any of their software.

By: twitter Thu, 03 Mar 2011 18:30:23 +0000 It’s amazing that Microsoft boosters talk about file sharing. GNU/Linux basically runs the world wide web and any user can run the same software at home for the cost of bandwith. Windows does not work as well as it should with the world wide web, so there are projects like Samba to fill the gaps for people who must share with users of that OS. Free software users can take advantage of rsync and OpenSSH to have free and secure file sharing second to none. This should be obvious by the nature of free software, which requires precision and sharing coordination between thousands of people all around the world. Software that run on Windows is crippled by Microsoft’s poor network stack, lack of user privilege separation, infamous insecurity, digital handcuffs and technical sabotage. No one with any sense would bother.
