Comments on: Oracle’s Java Aggression Spills to Other Sun Projects Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: williami Tue, 17 Aug 2010 15:32:50 +0000 I’ve came up from this quote from Linus about the SCO attacks:

We are not evacuating the planet because of the SCO lawsuit. Really. No need to panic.

The same is true for the Oracle vs Google lawsuit. We are not evacuating the world because of it.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Tue, 17 Aug 2010 15:07:02 +0000 Steve Ballmer’s words were: “People that use Red Hat, at least with respect to our intellectual property, in a sense have an obligation to compensate us.”

Regarding Asay, maybe you should just ask him.

By: Agent_Smith Tue, 17 Aug 2010 14:29:13 +0000 Hi there Mr. Schestowitz,
Well, for me, the most troubling part of Mr. Asay’s article was this one:
“And exploit it Oracle will. Not everyone will take as Machiavellian a line as Ellison, but the entire industry is now on alert, if it wasn’t already: Open source is not a free ride. No one would casually borrow SAP’s proprietary software and expect to get away with it. In similar manner, no one should cavalierly take open-source code without inquiring into its provenance, ownership, etc.”

Open source is not a free ride mimics a statement Mr. Steven Ballmer did, regarding Red Hat, He said, more or less: People must be aware there’s IP involved with open source, and, it’s not free. Open source has a cost, and that cost is our IP.
Well, I guess not exactly in these words, but he did mention something like this regarding Red Hat having to pay them royalties.
The disturbing choice of words of Mr. Asay echoes as terrible FUD in my ears.
That was caught my attention, and, made me think: Which side is Mr. Asay defending ? If he works for an open source company, he should stand for open source and back it.
Well, these are my 2 cents.
