Comments on: Microsoft Wants to Capture Education, Healthcare, and Citizen IDs; Uses Goldman Sachs Event as Platform to Promote This Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: your_friend Wed, 03 Mar 2010 04:53:38 +0000 Microsoft is actually one of the great destroyers of linguistic diversity. If computers are required for modern living and information access, Microsoft’s anti-competitive behavior pushes English and other major languages onto people. Free software, of course, is the cure. Instead of waiting for Microsoft to translate their software, people can do it themselves with free software. Free software language support exceeded Microsoft’s limited abilities long ago.

By: Roy Schestowitz Tue, 02 Mar 2010 21:30:33 +0000 The Silverlight part is limited. Follow the link for details.

By: your_friend Tue, 02 Mar 2010 20:57:01 +0000 Microsoft’s HealthVault uses Silverlight? That’s got fail written all over it. They really think people are going to dump their tried and true pdf based records systems for an entertainment system that major broadcasters have dumped as unreliable? Thanks for pointing this out, this is reason enough to reject Microsoft’s efforts. A person could have been born yesterday and realize that an experimental entertainment platform is not something that should be used for medical records. Someone familiar with Microsoft’s anti-competitive behavior might expect this but only Microsoft could be stupid enough to try it.

If this does not make the mono people feel like tools, I’m not sure what will. PJ has this excellent write up on mono Miguel, Stallman and fusion with Microsoft. The scope and reach of Microsoft’s plans, impractical though they may be, is reason for the mono people to feel deep shame. Microsoft will never let moonlight work when it counts. Those that build mono, build traps for free software users because .NET was a trap all along.
