Comments on: Links 24/04/2008: Linux Declared the #1 Embedded Operating System, Debian Gets a Boost Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Fri, 25 Apr 2008 07:26:55 +0000 Novell’s exploitation sounds eerily familiar to that of Microsoft — both endemic and systematic.

More in:

“Cisco’s CEO argued that Microsoft screws its partners every time, just like Apple.”

Also in:

”Microsoft’s conduct as a corporation and a manufacturer of computing products, is predicated upon an internal policy of deception, which includes deceiving customers, deceiving competitors, deceiving partners, deceiving its own vendors, and at some level, deceiving its own staff.“

By: CoolGuy Fri, 25 Apr 2008 07:18:00 +0000 Open Honesty too bad.

I have swore never to touch or recommend Novell products to anyone. They are just another incarnate of M$

By: Roy Schestowitz Fri, 25 Apr 2008 01:25:01 +0000 Microsoft sites that exclude competitors raise antitrust questions, but one has to wonder just how close together Microsoft and this site really are.

Microsoft is playing with fire when it tries to ‘extend ‘ the Web its own way. It could get fined again and again.

By: Gopal Fri, 25 Apr 2008 01:14:25 +0000 Here is a MS sponsored site : Got this error msg when opened in FF.
” We’re so sorry, but Carbon Grove is currently only available for Internet Explorer 7 or 8. We’re sorry for any inconvenience. We still would love for you to plant a tree in Carbon Grove. Internet Explorer 7 is a lovely browser. You may even already have it on your PC, or you can download it here.
The Carbon Grove Arborists”

By: Open Honesty Thu, 24 Apr 2008 23:03:10 +0000 Novell promoted development:

The one thing we all have to remember is that open source leads to new concepts and market opportunity for small development shops. Just ask Astrum Inc., what astrum did was to develop the first SUSE based Solution Stack using Novell technology. What they produced and what the independent testing reported was a beast of an appliance and Astrum published these reports on its website.

This solution described at RSA is the first true Identity based encryption system that can target users who have access to critical data or compliant sensitive data and harden compliance based policies that are compliance mandated. Astrum then did a OEM with nCipher and converted the nCIpher HSM from a 32bit card to a true 64bit card with eDirectory integration. Now if that wasn’t enough they then developed a key management system that never exposes any part of the key to a hacker outside the appliance and without making a customer change it’s network or put agents on it’s storage. I was very impressed as I spoke to representative from Astrum. Now according to nCipher as told to me at RSA this makes the Astrum solution the only solution to meet the up coming FIPS 3 compliance changes and make this appliance very unique in the market space.
The problem:
The concept from what I could gather was presented to Novell under NDA two years ago at the end of 2006 and promises of concept protection were made and agreements were signed and both worked with business units to ensure no competitive issues may arise. They did not! So Astrum shared with Novell executives the plan that at the end of the day for example map 8 of the PCI requirements to the appliance along with all the major compliances while having the ability to leverage all the security solutions sold by Novell or any other security software based solution that could sit in the network. What happened is Astrum became the first ever to develop and Novell based solution stack using SUSE enterprise server in a appliance only to have it stolen from them!.. Hence the following links.
So if the solution is potentially a market changing concept as Linux can be why expose a concept to a company like Novell who touts protection in the Open source community, of course they promise protection from Microsoft but who promises concept protection from Novell. When Novell realized the market impact of such a solution they have moved to slowly create competition for little Astrum who is coming to market with out any assistance as promised by Novell. This solution from what I hear from internal Novell had enough potential market impact that it changed a direction for a major software company like it did for Novell. Prior to 07 and from what I understand Novell couldn’t spell compliance much less understands an appliance stack approach to compliancy and encryption.
Develop for Novell on SUSE or jeOS, and expose a development and market plan, NO WAY!!! I really feel for these guys and have to ask why anyone would trust Novell and are they truly moving to a channel model

By: Open Honesty Thu, 24 Apr 2008 22:48:10 +0000 Novell promoted development:

The one thing we all have to remember is that open source leads to new concepts and market opportunity for small development shops. Just ask Astrum Inc. what astrum did was to develop the first SUSE based Solution Stack using Novell technology. What they produced and what the independent testing reported was a beast of an appliance and Astrum published the reports on its website. This solution was described at RSA as the first ever Identity based encryption system that can target users who have access to critical data or compliant data and harden policies that are compliance mandated. Lock them down in the appliance and OEM from nCipher and converted from a 32bit card to a true 64bit card with eDirectory integration. Now if that wasn’t enough they then developed a key management system that never exposes any part of the key to a hacker outside the appliance. Now according to nCipher as told to me at RSA this makes the Astrum solution the only solution to meet the up coming FIPS 3 compliance changes and make this appliance very unique in the market space.
The problem:
The concept was presented to Novell under NDA two years ago in 2006 and promises of concept protection made and agreements signed and they worked business units to ensure no competitive issues may arise. They did not! So Astrum shared with Novell executives the plan that at the end of the day would map 8 of the PCI requirements to the appliance along with all the major compliances while the ability to leverage all the security Novell or any other security products that could sit on top or in the network. What happened is Astrum became the first ever to develop and Novell based solution stack using SUSE enterprise in a appliance only to have it stolen from them!.. Hence the following links.
So if the solution is market changing concept was why expose a concept to a company. Open source trust promised from Novell only to see it being stolen after it was promised Non Disclosure of the market potential. When Novell realized the market impact of such a solution they have moved to slowly create competition for little Astrum who is coming to market with out any assistance as promised by Novell. This solution from what I hear from internal Novell had enough potential market impact that it changed a direction for a major software company like it did for Novell. Prior to 07 from what I understand Novell couldn’t spell compliance much less understands an appliance?
Develop for Novell on SUSE or jeOS, and expose a development and market plan, NO WAY!!! I really feel for these guys and have to ask why anyone would trust Novell is they truly are moving to a channel model.

By: CoolGuy Thu, 24 Apr 2008 18:16:00 +0000 M$ is going down the death spiral very fast.

The energy behind ubuntu hardy is simply awesome today !!!! Just hoping how many million downloads its going to reach :P

Windows 7 is just another Vapourware and expecting that buying Yahoo will stop Google / Sun is just plain stupidity.

After three years :

- Mac on 1
- Linux on 2
- Unix on 3
- Windows struggling to keep up
- All M$ cash burned out.
- Google leading the online content – the new no. 1 company
- Market leaders being Sun – Redhat – Apple

Only reason M$ is living today is bcoz of legacy products that were developed using M$. Their good luck wont last for too long.

And too many people want M$ dead.

By: CoolGuy Thu, 24 Apr 2008 17:02:34 +0000 Lets make Ubuntu a success. If you have downloaded ubuntu make a promise to give away 5 CDs of ubuntu to others.
