Comments on: Vista 7 Seemingly Affected by Several More “Critical” Flaws This Month Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Thu, 05 Jan 2017 01:24:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Yuhong Bao Thu, 10 Sep 2009 01:04:02 +0000 [quote]Just be ware that where one form of graft exists, the deployment of MSFT products, there will be other forms of white-collar crime.[/quote]
Not always, the key thing is to look at how MS was selected. It is not always, but yes it can be graft, considering the techniques MS use to win contracts.
[quote]No one’s ever been interested in Microsoft’s communism-on-a-disc.[/quote]
Sometimes open source itself is called “communism”. I think neither makes sense.
BTW, here is a suggestion for BN. Every Patch Tuesday, how about comparing Linux security vulnerablities with Windows security vulnerablities? has a list of security advisories for Linux and open source everyday, that can help:

By: Needs Sunlight Wed, 09 Sep 2009 11:27:17 +0000 No one’s ever been interested in Microsoft’s communism-on-a-disc. Vista7 is no exception. Geeks and managers alike have failed to adjust to the decade old reality that MSFT sales have nothing to do with technology.

For geeks, stop treating MSFT as a technology problem and address reality that it is a political / ideological problem. For managers, MSFT is a staffing problem. If one of your staff put Windows in your network, you have a paper trail to the culprit. Use the money from right-sizing to pay for training and clean out any and all MSFT products. Then use the extra money from the increased production to grow.

Just be ware that where one form of graft exists, the deployment of MSFT products, there will be other forms of white-collar crime. And where there is crime, those with dirty hands will scuttle around and attack like snakes.
