Comments on: Head of Microsoft Malaysia Jumps Ship Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Sun, 06 Dec 2009 21:52:20 +0000 Simon Phipps put it well when he wrote:

“Is Eclipse an Open Source Community or Trade Association?
Both. The question that remains is which is in control, and my sense from reading all the postings is that it’s still the latter.”

Earlier he wrote:

“Repeat after me: open source means more than just the license. We need a scorecard. (And before you say, I am well aware of Sun’s shortcomings, I am still working on them).”

By: your_friend Sun, 06 Dec 2009 20:59:57 +0000 The attack on Bjorn Freeman-Benson is so vile that it and the refutation should be preserved here, where they won’t vanish. First the ugly attack, which is so typical of Microsoft people:

Your former colleagues at the Eclipse Foundation have tolerated your public abuse quietly because we are professionals, and we honestly thought that you would tire of it. Apparently we were wrong. But the time has come to say it: You are a jerk. Please go away. You quit the Foundation, you have zero commits since April, and we tire of your sniping from afar. … to say that the Foundation does not care deeply about the open source community is a pure fabrication. It attacks the personal and professional reputations of all of us who work hard at the Foundation for the entire community.

First, it should be noted that this is a misrepresentation of what Bjorn actually said. Bjorn simply advocated a repository of free code to make builds easier for free software users. This is what free software is all about, user control. Milinkovich portrays this advocacy for community interests into a personal attack on himself and the everyone else involved. How very Microsoft to pervert the issues this way.

Bjorn’s record speaks for itself and he should be encouraged to preserve the things he helped to create in a form that is risk free to himself and other contributors. As Mik Kersten put it,

Mike’s leadership is astounding in its steady navigation and coordination of the Eclipse membership and ecosystem. Bjorn’s contributions have been remarkable as well. I was one of the first non-IBM committers and then committer representative on the Eclipse board, and have watched as Bjorn’s five years of service drove each of the most fundamental changes to the Eclipse development process, release coordination, and community channels including EclipseCon. Having collaborated with both Bjorn and Mike throughout most of this decade has given me an appreciation on how different their perspectives are.

It is good that Assay captured all of this, but anyone who works towards being “vendor neutral” instead of free makes a huge mistake. Microsoft is never neutral and is always hostile to user freedom and all other vendors. To think otherwise is to ignore 20 years worth of history preserved in dozens of civil and criminal lawsuits. The venom poured onto Bjorn is typical of Microsoft behavior that serves as a reminder that these people are poison.
