Comments on: A Nicer, Gentler Post-Gates Microsoft Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Lees Sun, 13 Jul 2008 04:59:37 +0000 People, before you say “Oh, how horrible of Microsoft”, why don’t you read the actual article?

The security update was incompatible with the current version of Zonealarm. If Zonealarm was set to “High” and the update was installed, Zonealarm would unwittingly cause bugginess at the TCP stack level and cause browser applications to crash when they allocated network resources. Fix: Set Zonealarm to Medium.

Just check out the comments:

” I’m running FF3 on Vista HP 32 and 64 bit and the latest MS updates have done nothing to disrupt my viewing pleasure.”

” im updated my vista last night. im typing this comment on the new firefox 3. everything is fine as a dandy.”

” Nothing like that happened here with FF3 & the always-hated Vista Ultimate x64. Wouldn’t surprise me if the user actually was infected with a trojan/virus that had affected Firefox3 somehow. Or it’s just pure FUD. ”

” Everything pefectly ok here, on two computers.”

” I am running XP Pro SP3 and I downloaded the 2 updates yesterday including the July Malware Removal Tool. Firefox 3.0 is my primary web browser and I haven’t noticed any problems.”

“We have 60 machines here all running updates from WSUS and Fox3, no issues and everyone working fine.”

” FF3 woking fine for me in Vista x64 and XP x86 as of last night…”

” I am using Vista Home Premium and Firefox 3. I just installed these Windows updates and Firefox 3 is still here and working fine.”

” I call BullSh*t on this one guys, I got that update as well and my FireFox 3 never got touched. This sounds like more evilly wishful thinking by haters. ”


Oh, but “Zonealarm Causes Internet Borkage with Vista Security Update” isn’t such a sensational headline, is it?

By: A Sat, 12 Jul 2008 01:15:27 +0000 Advertisements? On websites?

Every sane web user I know uses Adblock Plus or similar. I set it up for those who don’t know what it is. I don’t see any Microsoft ads or any ads for that matter on any website. Should one slip through, I add it to my block list. For real nasties I add them to in my ‘hosts’ file.

Don’t click on any Microsoft ads, that’s what they want. Instead, use an ad blocker like Adblock Plus for Firefox.

Noscript and Flashblock are two additional great plugins for Firefox, and together with all three plugins you can say goodbye to the majority of ads on the web.

Fuck Microsoft, the only “gentle” Microsoft will be a bankrupt Microsoft begging to be ‘in’ and ‘cool’ as Google dances and we all share a laugh before forgetting about the piece of shit company known as Microsoft and the losers who work there.

By: Lol Fri, 11 Jul 2008 14:10:03 +0000 It will drain some money out of Microsoft by clicking those ads…they have some pre allocated funds for google ads. Once you click a ad it then disappears from the site. Maybe the funds run out…

By: Roy Schestowitz Fri, 11 Jul 2008 13:29:27 +0000 @Victor Soliz,

Yes, it was a tongue-in-cheek title. :-)


Clicking those ads only rewards those who permit Microsoft to advertise on their sites.

By: Victor Soliz Fri, 11 Jul 2008 13:26:01 +0000 Isn’t MS’ objective to let you click them?

Did anyone actually think that MS would get better after Gates, in all seriousness Steve Ballmer is like a Gates Clone that got his vision and smarts removed and replaced with even more abuse.

By: Lol Fri, 11 Jul 2008 12:24:03 +0000 I have made a convent with GOD that whenever I see a MS ad on a FOSS website I *will* click it. I am tired of the ad spamming that MS is doing.

Who is going to be with me on this mission ?
