Comments on: Novell Talks Red Hat, Still Sidles With Microsoft Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: shane Fri, 05 Jan 2007 19:29:43 +0000 I don’t regret it, I am Boycotting Novell

So long as this patent covenant deal is in place, I will not support or endorse Novell’s actions in any way, and will continue to campaign against them and their partner Microsoft.

We are not alone, Roy and I, look to Bruce Perens’ petition and the actions that Eben Moglen and the FSF are taking to ensure that the exploit Novell has wrought on the GPL is patched in the next release, in addition to Jeremy Allison’s public stance against the deal.

As Bruce said in the petition ( )

The covenant of the GPL is that in the face of a software patent aggressor we must all hang together, lest we each hang separately. Novell accepted that covenant when you chose to include the Linux kernel, the GNU C library, and hundreds of additional works created at no charge to Novell by individuals in the Free Software community and licensed under the GPL.

It is abundantly clear that Novell and Microsoft took the time to engineer a circuitous legal path of issuing covenants to each other’s customers, rather than licenses to each other, in order to circumvent Novell’s earlier agreement with the community of GPL software developers.

In short, now that Novell has chosen not to hang together with the Free Software community, we’ve chosen not to do so with you.

Boycott Novell

By: Roy Schestowitz Fri, 05 Jan 2007 18:41:17 +0000

May want to reconsider the name of your site then

We already have. See the latest entry, which is only one among a series that explains why the domain name misrepresent the nature of the site.

Trust me, in retrospect, what came to become the textual identity of the site is not the brightest of ideas. Domain registration was rather quick and impulsive. Whether or not this choice will haunt us in the future is yet to be seen.

By: wyretrip Fri, 05 Jan 2007 18:24:08 +0000 “We consider this site to be impartial, not rebellious.”

May want to reconsider the name of your site then. =/
