Comments on: Novell: From StopTheFUD to JoinTheFUD Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shane Coyle Thu, 25 Sep 2008 15:07:01 +0000 Well, Stafford seemed pretty sure of himself, and anyone who had ever read the Microsoft covenant to the community must have seen it’s restrictions – only ‘hobbyist’ code contributed to that makes it into SLE is covered, because Novell already agreed to pay MS royalties on open source software shipped under the agreement.
Stafford, during that same epic presentation, also had further comments regarding whether other distros and developers needed such a deal:

We can’t say and speak on Microsoft’s behalf that they will speak to a single developer thats building a commercial product on the distribution and ensure that they have the same agreement covenant in place, we(Novell) can’t say that I mean, someone needs to go to them (Microsoft) and see if they are willing. Microsoft is very willing to sign up now, they are very very willing , so I do believe small, medium large, everyone can go and do this.
Is this(deal) somehow exclusive by inference, because of the size that we are? I don’t believe so, and I also believe the people that are participating the individuals in the community take a look at the linux distros that you are participating in and building your technology upon, and by mere inheritance of agreements that are in place and the patents that they own and how they provide indemnification like RedHat does, like we do, that by inference would cover you.
So, I can’t say that this wont cover the little guy, because the little guys we are encouraging to go speak to Microsoft and take a look at doing that, and Ithink Microsoft will take a look at doing that I dont think they would be aversed to doing that, unless they believe there is a patent infringement – clear, based upon that little thing that youve done but again this is where we would encourage you then to bring your little innovation, put it on SUSE Linux, and we’ll kick Microsoft’s ass jointly with you. (laughter)

By: Roy Schestowitz Thu, 25 Sep 2008 14:29:09 +0000 OpenSUSE contributors deny this. Either he is wrong or they are in denial.

By: Shane Coyle Thu, 25 Sep 2008 14:25:36 +0000 Whenever I see a VMware/Microsoft/Novell story, I always hear my friend Stafford at the CITI conference in the back of my mind:

Web services, that’s the proprietary aspects, making active directory and eDirectory work together- enterprise customers want to see that, virtualization is very very key, customers want to utilize Linux as either a host operating system with Microsoft as a guest operating system, or vice versa, and yes wea re going to support the XEN technology there, the XEN hypervisor technology, Microsoft is going to support it too. Yes, there is a competitive angle there, yes we’re coming at VMware yes yes yes we are, ok thats part of it because but we’re doing it in an open source way, so were going to support the XEN technologies in our server platforms and togther collaborate and ensure it works properly, supported properly, etc
Now as far as thats concerned, thats the technology aspects of it, now its broad from a Linux perspective, they’re essentially saying that anyone who is an OpenSUSE contributor is covered under the covenant. the covenant essentially is a patent agreement between Novell and Microsoft that says if you participate in the OpenSUSE distribution… as long as its not for commercial gain, that you are covered by this covenant, that they will not exercise what they believe is their patent rights…

By: AlexH Thu, 25 Sep 2008 13:59:27 +0000 It wouldn’t have taken a lot of research to show that no Girls’ Schools were involved in the MS site.

And frankly, I take offence at your insinuation that I suggested anything that you did not say yourself:

The mutual corroboration by you and Dan reminds me of what Linus recently called a “security circus” or “masturbating monkeys”.

You’re very quick to back off your own words, but you’re very slow to correct your articles (see first paragraph…).

By: Roy Schestowitz Thu, 25 Sep 2008 13:29:15 +0000 I am less interested in merely parroting articles that I cite. I am more interested in picking particular new bits of information from them, then analysing and researching these further, connecting them with other evidence.

By: Dan O'Brian Thu, 25 Sep 2008 13:22:51 +0000 That’s because you did.

But speaking of taking things out of context, you are famous for that in your articles. Take for example the very article the comment was posted in.

By: Roy Schestowitz Thu, 25 Sep 2008 13:12:12 +0000 You’re talking to Alex here — one who takes things out of context to make a sound argument seem like an insult. Some minutes ago he suggested that I compared him and Dan to “masturbating monkeys”.

By: pcole Thu, 25 Sep 2008 12:40:54 +0000 In the overall context, it’s not physical bloodletting, it’s the erosion of our freedom that little by little we’re giving up through complacency.

By: Roy Schestowitz Thu, 25 Sep 2008 12:30:32 +0000 Microsoft does a lot of things by proxy, in order to divert criticism elsewhere.

Case of point (fight against Google/Yahoo):

By: AlexH Thu, 25 Sep 2008 12:22:09 +0000 All due respect, but hiring a PR agency to write a website you don’t like isn’t very much like using vulnerable human beings to shield military hardware during warfare.

By: pcole Thu, 25 Sep 2008 12:14:36 +0000 - the URL for a new Microsoft Web site called, hosted for Microsoft by Seattle-based advertising agency Wexley School For Girls.

Kind’ve like Saddam Hussein using schools & hospitals to camouflage their weapons.

“Reeves asserted that the stunt makes Microsoft appear “somewhat desperate”, but solution providers told ChannelWeb they don’t think Microsoft has crossed any serious lines of propriety with its shots across the bow of VMware…”

You don’t think unethical business conduct crosses any lines of propriety? This is the legacy we leave behind?

MS’s flagship products (win-os & office suite) are tanking and instead of fixing it, attack some other company that’s doing well. The ultimate prize here is control of the datacenter and the enemy here is Red Hat, GNU/Linux/FOSS.

– “I think Microsoft, in all of their recent marketing — including the Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld ads — is simply trying to get common people to ‘talk’ about Microsoft,” said Rand Morimoto, president of Convergent Computing, an Oakland, Calif.-based solution provider and Microsoft Gold partner.

Maybe; But not the kind of talk they (MS) want to hear.

By: AlexH Thu, 25 Sep 2008 08:16:21 +0000 I did try to look at it, but it’s all Flash so I can’t actually see anything (I don’t have a player).

Certainly it’s a very bizarre corporate image to try to project.

By: Roy Schestowitz Thu, 25 Sep 2008 08:04:59 +0000 That one one bizarre web site.

By: AlexH Thu, 25 Sep 2008 07:21:42 +0000 I don’t really have much to say about this article, but this is just too hilarious:

Microsoft hardly feels shameful of its use of a girls’ school to accomplish business (FUD) objectives. It’s not the first such incident as Microsoft did this in Singapore some months ago. Girls’ school/s lobbied for OOXML at Microsoft’s behest.

Damn those girls’ schools!! What are they thinking?!

Oh, right – read the link:

[..] a new Microsoft Web site [..] is being hosted for Microsoft by Seattle-based advertising agency Wexley School For Girls.

You might want to read past the “with-it” corporate names, Roy. It’s not actually a girls’ school ;)
