Comments on: Reader’s Article: Alternate Time-lines Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Umberto Sun, 17 Jan 2010 14:31:15 +0000 bad links above, apologies here they are as functioning links:


By: Umberto Sat, 16 Jan 2010 22:59:07 +0000 David Lefty Schlesinger aka ‘stonemirror’ is now publishing nude photos to defame and harm individuals he has insane grudges against, and he has no possible copyright to these photos which have never been public.

That alone sums up the truth in this matter, and trumps anything he choses to throw up in his usual pattern of obfuscation and lies.

run a WHOIS on, it is owned and operated by David Lefty Schlesinger aka ‘stonemirror’, pornographer now along with Troll and Stalker of legendary status.

Ask Kathy Sutphen about him, she received similar treatment and her testimony is archived.

Lefty sits on the Gnome Advisory Board and the Gnome Foundation, so I maintain that his documented behavior is extremely relevant to this topic. He also (as Bruce Perens has noted) declared “Jihad against RMS”. Bruce Perens also called Lefty a liar and an emotionally unbalanced and obviously disturbed individual.

So, watch out if you show public support for RMS or actual Free Software (not the cheap fraud called merely ‘open source’), or you might just find nude pictures of yourself up on one of Lefty’s harassment pages.

I ask you, is this acceptable behavior in any *possible* circumstance?

and here are Lefty’s very transparent and insulting lies regarding his inexcusable and horrendously vile actions:

Free as in “Free of any factual value whatsoever”
Once again, my management has received a lovely letter from a “freedom-lover”, making a variety of exciting claims, such as the following:

Your employee David N. Schlesinger has in public admitted to publishing stolen pornographic photographs. This behavior of his looks very bad indeed for both ACCESS, Inc. and the Gnome Advisory Board which ACCESS pays $10,000 per year to keep Schlesinger sitting on.

Fun stuff. I’ve also had fraudulent DMCA claims and ICANN notifications from the very same “freedom-lover” to deal with this morning. It’s terrific the way that folks who like to tell you how they’re are all about “freedom” find means to justify their apparent ends.

- David Lefty Schlesinger aka ‘stonemirror’ quoted here…#disqus_thread

” I try to stop a bit short of full-blown monster-hood.” – David ‘Lefty’ Schlesinger aka stonemirror…-novell-and-i/

he tries, but he doesn’t succeed…still, it’s a rare bit of honest introspection…

Why does this man who has never contributed anything to Gnome but a futile attempt at a vote to split Gnome from Gnu even *allowed* on these boards? The answer is corporate politics, and if you have even a shred of ethical sense, it should make you shudder and worse.
