Comments on: The Microsoft Spin Machine Makes Racketeering Seem Acceptable Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Thu, 20 Oct 2011 19:17:42 +0000 FUD:
There are reports right now about BBB (Bad Boy Ballmer) talking trash about Android and as one headline put it, “Ballmer slams Android as ‘cheap,’ doomed, as Android lengthens its lead by two big steps”.
MS bad-mouths Android. You bad-mouth MS.

You are your own worse enemy.

Microsoft’s current strategy is to make Android more expensive by means of extortion, as last we mentioned just a few days ago.
Or maybe they are protecting their IP. You have made up your mind without evidence.

It takes unbelievable spin to somehow justify this, so Microsoft has a little PR offensive going for that angle.
Or they are getting bad PR for protecting their IP.

With the addition of ludicrous Apple patents they are trying to impose sanctions against the spread of Android (we will deal with Apple separately later).
You say this without supporting your claim. But most big companies have patents…. heck, Google just bought massive amounts. Have you forgotten that? Are all of those patents “ludicrous”?

It is no secret that the system is broken
Yeah, I think most people agree with that. I know I do.
