Comments on: A Black Duck Loses Its Head Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Thu, 05 Jan 2017 01:24:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amby Wed, 20 Aug 2008 22:52:05 +0000 Black Duck?
Thoughts that came into mind while reading those announcements; Duckspeak, Orwell, 1984.

By: Roy Schestowitz Sat, 16 Aug 2008 19:40:43 +0000

Monopolysoft will forever have the ability to punish/”reward” their customers and partners because of their ability to selectively allow customers and partners to suffer or gain respective to other customers or partners since they control the code that you run at your facilities (if you use Monopolyware).

They reportedly do a lot of punish/”reward”, even with journalists. It’s seen at many levels.

By: Jose_X Sat, 16 Aug 2008 18:59:24 +0000 >> In any case, remember to fight fire with fire.

Just read so feel obligated to clarify that the context around “fight fire with fire” in the above comment is different.

It’s important to return pain in some way when pained first. Sometimes it can be done the same way, but other times it’s best to play by different rules. The point is to make the connection between “mess with me and you’ll get stung” clear. Of course, don’t use the same sort of fire they used if they are masters at wielding it while you are not.

>> Afterwards, however, remember that everything is forgivable once the person recants and accepts the mistake (through both actions and words).

All sides probably believe in this idea that if you join us or accept X condition then we will treat you well. It makes sense…

..However, being a part of the Linux/open community can be much more inclusive than being a part of the Monopolysoft ecosystem, as the latter is completely lopsided with Monopolysoft exclusively holding all the valuable information necessary for significant and FAIR individual customer/partner growth and with Monopolysoft making the serious bucks as this secret information (which includes lock-in secrets and NDAs) is exploited and used AGAINST the customers/partners. They are just being Monopolysoft. Use their Monopolyware, and you volunteer to have them pimp you out. We know how highly pimps think of “their” goods.

The whole value of Linux stems from the fact we are open: we OPEN OUR SOURCE. This means we start off with you on the right foot in terms of not really having secret information to exploit against you.

Monopolysoft will forever have the ability to punish/”reward” their customers and partners because of their ability to selectively allow customers and partners to suffer or gain respective to other customers or partners since they control the code that you run at your facilities (if you use Monopolyware). Do you value your data or access given to you by Monopolysoft? If so, then you are their slave.

Linux gives you everything for free. This high level of respect and cooperation is why despite having a relatively low percentage share when compared to Monopolyware, Linux continues to pound Monopolysoft against the ropes in many ways. If only we reach a slightly larger critical size, I’d hate to be in the front 3 rows of this fight.

By: Jose_X Sat, 16 Aug 2008 18:35:24 +0000 >> The more we can enable the “poor” to effectively communicate, have influence, feel comfortable, eat, have fun, etc, the less value money in huge amounts will have.

I should clarify: the goal is to find ways to do these things (enjoy self and feel valuable) without relying on money.

This is why those wishing to use (eg) money for influence quickly set out to treat and indulge their targets with items apparently only accessible through money, connections, influence, etc, that come from the host. It’s to create the (false) connection in the target’s mind that reaching happiness requires something the host and few others are capable of providing.

I am fortunate to have been born with access to some key things, but without having to rely on oodles of money or exclusivity.

Remember that exclusivity is actually lonely or at least limits your company to a small group who themselves have issues. :-P

By: Jose_X Sat, 16 Aug 2008 18:21:37 +0000 The good news about clans/loyal followers is that they have to be in a minority when such groups rely on extreme greediness since you can’t split the pot with everyone. Unfortunately, if you look at the group of most highly skilled individuals, these are a minority, too. Fortunately, everyone can be very highly skilled in various ways, and, as just stated, you can’t split the Pot of Greed with everyone.

We need to find defenses against the buying off of “principles” using the money from illegal leveraged closed source monopolies or any other source. People would gain to learn that the freedom that comes from downplaying the value of money itself comes with a very good sensation (one you can’t buy). The more we can enable the “poor” to effectively communicate, have influence, feel comfortable, eat, have fun, etc, the less value money in huge amounts will have.

We also need to find defenses against the fact that companies and individuals have skeletons in their closets. You never know how embarrassed someone might feel by what others might consider to be minor.. partly because of how much we place ourselves in the center of the universe [just look at the focus of Olympics coverage on prime time TV of trying to create god-like individuals.. it's human to do that]. We can fight this by recognizing that we all stand out, just not in everything all the time. With FOSS there is plenty of room for almost anyone to stand out quite a bit. Of course, nothing is for free. One must focus on something well to stand out. Also, expect Monopolysoft to gain access to your skeletons, the more so the closer you bring in individuals that may be out to help Monopolysoft. In any case, remember to fight fire with fire. Those playing dirty likely believe they have a lot to lose themselves and have great fears. Afterwards, however, remember that everything is forgivable once the person recants and accepts the mistake (through both actions and words).

Being significantly open is challenging but fun and safer in the long term. [Secrets are what fuel dirtiness and weakness like Monopolysoft.] This is why Linux and (real) openness are going to help bring about a very positive future for many people.
