Comments on: Links 19/11/2010: GNOME Outreach Program for Women, Rainbow 0.2 Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sun, 21 Nov 2010 10:21:06 +0000 The link came to me via AgentSmith, who thought it was trolling because the headlines chosen by that site are deliberately provocative (and inaccurate).

By: NotZed Sun, 21 Nov 2010 02:03:26 +0000 “Open source community doesn’t exist”

I think this is a fair statement. But people seem to love labelling themselves and belonging to a select group for some strange reason. Either a popular group to feel like a ‘winner’, or a marginal group to feel like a ‘martyr’ – nobody wants to be just a plain human being.

Pity the article just seems to be a narrowly disguised ad-hominem attack on all open saucers though. First likening them to a flock of birds and then continuing with this gem seeming to suggest the ‘saucers have yet to grow up like everyone else:

“It feels more like ‘C64 versus Spectrum’ and ‘Atari ST versus Amiga’ than the furtherance of an open source operating system.

This might be news to Windows, OS X and general PC users, who thought his kind of thing disappeared years ago. ”

Yeah, well, that’s just human nature. You get the same rabid fanbois and group-think bullies in the microsoft windows and apple macintosh circles and it’s absurd to suggest this isn’t happening there too. If not more-so. At least in general the ‘saucers are not just marketing products for billionaires (hmm, then again, ubuntu …).

Labelling is the real problem here. Its just another form of division politics, just as it is with religion. e.g. once you label someone you can then contest their position based on the label alone and create conflicts which divide society. This is one reason I find dress codes such as kippah, taqiyah, hijab, or turbans quite distasteful – they are just a political tool designed to separate one part of society from another.
