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By: Roy Schestowitz Tue, 22 Dec 2009 15:50:28 +0000

Gates foundation propaganda is convincing people that rich people are more important for charity than everyone else, which is a lie.

Nader has a book on the subject, titled “Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!”

They basically take away from people’s salaries and then give some of it back in exchange for gratitude and praise. It’s an old trick of robber barons.

By: your_friend Tue, 22 Dec 2009 15:39:38 +0000 NGOs are having a tough time due to the overwhelming concentration of wealth and resulting poor economy. People don’t have jobs, many are actually going hungry and all are worried about losing their houses. Bill Gates has also done considerable damage through his foundation and unethical behavior.

Gates foundation propaganda is convincing people that rich people are more important for charity than everyone else, which is a lie. The lesson of The March of Dimes was that more money can be raised by asking many people for small donations than by asking a few wealthy people for large donations. Ordinarily and perhaps still, lower income people give a disproportionately high share to charity. Hundreds of thousands of seemingly trivial donations adds up faster than a few multi thousand donations. The March of Dimes benefited from media concentration that no longer exists but that is a secondary consideration. People have forgotten the March of Dimes lesson and are consequently less likely to give. Gates Foundation interference with the UN, think of UNICEF, may also make people cynical. There’s little point in giving if your money is just going to be used as another fat cat tool. Fake charities like the Gates Foundation are damaging in many ways.

By: Roy Schestowitz Tue, 22 Dec 2009 09:28:43 +0000 It is difficult to run sites that do good rather than sell out. Glyn Moody wrote about this, in relation to British DPI activists this month.

By: David Gerard Tue, 22 Dec 2009 07:06:30 +0000 The important point with Wikileaks is: they have less than a month’s money left!

I gave them £50. I think other overpaid geeks should be giving them money too.
