Comments on: When Microsoft MVPs Throw in the Towel and Bash Microsoft Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Thu, 03 Feb 2011 20:15:29 +0000 Work experience can count a lot more.

By: TemporalBeing Thu, 03 Feb 2011 19:58:45 +0000 At one point – before I had gotten into Linux and FOSS – I had looked at becoming Microsoft Certified (required for being an MVP) and all of that stuff. However, as I studied (on my own) and got ready, I quickly came to find that there were a ton of people that would just go take a $1500, 3-5 day class, and then take the tests. They had zero experience with the actual stuff they were getting certified in. As a result, companies didn’t want to hire them. Sure, they were MVPs and fully certified – and had spent $20k or so doing so; but they didn’t know a foot from a hoof in their field, and no one wanted to pay them the exorbitant rates for their level of certification since it didn’t align with their experience. That was 1999. It never got better.

So yeah – MS has a big problem with their Professional Development programs.

The problem in the FOSS world is that there is no real program set to follow. You can get certified for Red Hat, but that does you little good if you need to work with Debian. Linux Foundation has programs for the Linux Kernel, but that doesn’t do you any good with the distributions. You can get Qt certified, but then you still have Gtk to deal with. Choice is good, but there has to be some commonality too. Still, the programs in the FOSS world are improving, unlike Microsoft’s. But you also don’t need them to contribute in the FOSS world, where there are too many PHB’s in Microsoft environments to do likewise.
