Comments on: There’s No ‘Open Source’ with Microsoft Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: jo Shields Wed, 24 Dec 2008 16:41:41 +0000

such lack of education

Ironically, demagogues target the stupid. Some are good at it – e.g. Bill O’Reilley or Roy Scheistowitz.

Only the exceptionally moronic would believe “hatred of double standards” means “carte blanche approval of all actions undertaken by Microsoft Corp”

By: spartan2276 Wed, 24 Dec 2008 16:17:35 +0000 @Roy

you know what I realized the more I read those types of articles/News that people do filter it out and they think and truly believe that it is acceptable behavior. You and I and most of the people in the Free software community think that is pure evil, I certainly believe it to be so.

But the funny part about it is that most people will come to this blog read your articles and then call you a nut job or say that is all a conspiracy and that no one should pay attention.

I just don’t get it, why are people like this. I mean how much easier can it get, you and everyone else is clearly spelling it out for them but somehow they ignore it. It is truly disgusting to see people reason this way, such lack of education and so much corruption for what money which in the end they won’t get to take it with them after they die. What a joke these crooks are and the rest of these idiots who knowingly support them!

By: Roy Schestowitz Sat, 20 Dec 2008 22:01:59 +0000 See this for details.

By: Charles Oliver Sat, 20 Dec 2008 17:45:56 +0000 “and bribed Nigerian education officials to wipe Mandriva from children’s laptops”

Shouldn’t that be “attempted to bribe”. If I remember the MS defence was that they didn’t actually get around to bribing anyone, it was agreed in principle but there was a dissenter who wanted Mandriva so the payment was never made.
