Comments on: Patents World: A World Morbidly Obsessed with Money Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Tue, 03 Jan 2017 02:48:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Wed, 09 Apr 2008 13:09:17 +0000 From what I can gather, Sarkozy is strongly pro-intellectual monopolies, but that’s not what I would characterise as “a neo-fascist”. He permits even eduction to be commercialised while at the same time reducing advertisements (commercial messages) in national television, which is somewhat contradictory.

Logan’s message struck me too as very strong.

By: Eric Legrand Wed, 09 Apr 2008 12:16:05 +0000 Logan, please measure your writings.

Do you mind that you might shock people that on the side as you apparently are ?

While I dislike DRM’s, was anti-OOXML (and still is despite its adoption by ISO) and didn’t vote for Mr Sarkosy, I cannot agree with your words, in particular this:

> “French people, that elected this Womanizer, Adulterer and Fascist are for > the most fascist and coward: REMEMBER VICHY.”

I know many people, some of them are friends of mine, who voted for Mr Sarkosy and are not fascists nor cowards.

Vichy is France’s shame and is still an open wound in our collective mind. Any nation all over the world have the same kind of wound that words can reactivate. Such words can mask the overall meaning of the text they appear in.

With such words you may make ennemies (not only to yourself but also to the cause you are trying to serve) of people that could have otherwise embraced your ideas.

Always remember that some words have such emotional power that it may completely destroy the meaning of what you intend to say.

I sincerely do think that your post does more damage to rather than it serves the cause you are willing to defend. Particularly in France.

By: Roy Bixler Tue, 08 Apr 2008 20:03:12 +0000 I think you are going a little overboard here. You may be right about Sarkozy, but you don’t help your position when you make trivially refutable statements like “Remember ALL European countries voted in FAVOR of OOXML.” If you take a look on the “The Last Lap” at “”, you can see that several European countries did not “approve” OOXML — they voted to “abstain.”

From what I’ve heard, it is true that France would have voted to “disapprove” if not for Sarkozy’s intervention. A politician can hardly be more corporate friendly than Sarkozy. They don’t call him “Sarkozy l’américain” for nothing. If you haven’t noticed, Sarkozy’s popularity in France has declined sharply in recent times. You don’t need to shout to make your point.

By: Logan Tue, 08 Apr 2008 18:28:35 +0000 Sarkozy is a neo-fascist. He is in the same line of neo-fascists like Aznar in Spain, Berlusconi in Italy. What the Fascist is doing is a violation of very fundamental rights of citizens: Privacy; Law; Due Process. The ISPs are in fact Private Police Systems: They watch (peeping, spy) and interfere with people’s private communications, then condemn and EXECUTE. Without trial!

French people, that elected this Womanizer, Adulterer and Fascist are for the most fascist and coward: REMEMBER VICHY.

If this idiot and the like are the future of politics in Europe then Europe’s future is bleak…

It’s very cynical of EU to say to American search engines to stop spying on their users and then turn around and let France do the same. Hypocrites!

Remember ALL European countries voted in FAVOR of OOXML. They’re easily corrupted and care very little about FREEDOM, PRIVACY, DEMOCRACY.

European Union and it’s institutions are a never ending and filthy hole of corruption, constantly moralizing on other countries behaviour but never looking at their own.

As for Kroes, if you think that what they’ve done to Microsoft has anything to do with Anti-Trust; Anti-Monopoly; Fair Competition and the Rule of Law you’re mistaken. It has everything to do with money.

The more people notice the EU, the more it stinks.

The move to disrespect the rule of law; privacy and due process. The move to legalize SOFTWARE PATENTS; BUSINESS PATENTS. The move to tax every media (CDs; DVDs; HDDs; Pen/Flash Drives; Portable Audio Players) just because they can hold music is just another violation of process.

To those that counterpoint EU’s behaviour to the USA’s don’t really know how bad the situation in Europe is right now and how worse it will become in the coming months when Sarkozy and his fascist cronies climb to power…

Sarkozy climb to power will be remembered the same way has Hitler’s…

You’ll see. Remember my words!
