Comments on: Does Microsoft Struggle to Find Leaders for Vista 7? Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Sun, 12 Jul 2009 18:03:31 +0000 The problem is in other divisions, including Office. The rest have rarely been profitable.

“Yggdrasil” has trolled this Web site for quite a while. It also shows signs of stalking.

By: twitter Sun, 12 Jul 2009 17:59:49 +0000 I can’t agree that Roy is a troll but I wish I had as good a database of Vista Hype as you do of Roy’s work. Sadly, I only have links to Wintel apologies, mass media rejection and general failure and rejection of Vista. Having lived through several iterations of increasingly insane Windows launch hype, I figured that no one would be dumb enough to fall for Vista hype and I was right but the magnitude of the Vista failure surprised even me. Like Bill Gates said before he pretended to step down a couple of years ago, “Microsoft is always two years from failure.” You will be happy to know that I’m doing a better job cataloging Vista 7 hype, because I don’t expect M$ to survive long after Vista 7 craters.

By: Yggdrasil Sun, 12 Jul 2009 13:55:23 +0000 “Last nail on the coffin” seems to be a phrase that trolls love too. You’ve used it yourself on several occasions:

and again here
